
top ten events that shaped america

  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    Colonists wanted independence from England. They went to war for seven years and fought for freedom. We won and our now officially our own nation. I feel this is the number one event that shaped america because we now control our own country and have developed into something very successful
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    It took place during the 1800's. Thousands of families packed and moved west to gain land. Americans believed that their country should "spread from sea to shining sea." These terrortories later became part of America. I believe this is the eighth most important event because without it America would be much smaller.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    The reasons for the Industrial Revolutoin Beginning is the 1807 Embargo act and the war of 1812. Industrialization in America had three large impacts including, transpotation being expanded, electricity being "effectively harnessed", and last the industries developing a better process. An example is an rise in prodution.I believe This is the tenth most important event because without it, prodution would be much slower and there could be a lack of necessary goods and services.
  • The Women's Suffrage Movement

    The Women's Suffrage Movement
    Election day of 1920 was the first time women could actually vote. This was not an easy right for them to earn. In fact it took nearly 100 years to actually be treated as equals. On August 26, 1920 the 19th amendment was finally ratified.I feel this is the nineth most important event because everyone deserves to be treated equal and voting is an important part of how we base America to this day.
  • The American Civil War.

    The American Civil War.
    The war lasted five years and ended in 1865. It was a war between the confederate and union states (southern and northern). There were around 640,000 to 700,000 deaths due to this war. It is believed that this war was started by the different opinions of state rights, slavery, and trade between the north and south. In the end, the north had won. I feel this is the second most impotant thing to shape america, without in many ideas and things would be very different than they are today.
  • The creation of the federal reserve

    The creation of the federal reserve
    Also referred to as "the fed." It was created by the Congress to help the nation have a safer, more flexable finantial system. I feel this is the seventh most important event because money bases everythin now. You need money for everything and it is important to keep it organized and clear so, nothing financially goes wrong.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This attack led to the United States entering World War 2. The Janpanese attacked because they wanted to keep us from interfering with their military actions. I believe this event is the 5th most imprtant because world world two's death tole was extremely high and it involved nuclear weapons, which are not okay today and are capable of killing millions.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    Right after world war two ended, the cold war started. Mainly between the United States and Soviet Union. This led to "The space race." Which is how Apollo 11 occured. I feel this is the third most important event because it is the reason of the the first moon landing. It is still talked about to this day and will always be a big part of not only American but, world history.
  • The American Civil Rights movement

    The American Civil Rights movement
    All anyone really wants is to be treated equal and that's what the civil rights movement was about. eventually the Supreme court decided segregation was unconstitutional but, until then many African American's were treated unfairly. Some very important individuals decided to do something about it, making a change for the better. I feel this is the fourth most important event because America is one, not devided, we are a nation of freedom and should accept eachother. No matter what their race is.
  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    9/11 terrorist attack
    Four American planes were hijacked by terrorists, two attacked the World Trade Center in New York. One attacked the Pentagon and one flew into a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people were killed in these attacks, including many police officers and firefighters. I feel this is the sixth most important event because in effected people's thoughts on safety and many other subjects. It also has a great impact on the security in American that we have today.