We the people

Is History a History of Progress?

  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold was found near Pike's Peak. There was $500 million worth of metal there, too. Gold and silver were also found in the Carson River Valley, (which is now Nevada), Arizona, Idaho, Montana, and British Colombia. This prompted migration and created diversity. This event showed progress because it attracted more people to the land.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The Pacific Railway Act granted money to the Central and Union Pacific railroad companies so they could build the railroad. The Indians were against it because they felt that their land was being invaded. The Irish and Chinese were the primary builders of the railroad. The railroad also opened the west to settlers. The Transcontinental Railroad showed progress because people and resources could now be transported across the continent without having to boat around South America.
  • Industrialization/ Immigration/ Urban America

    Industrialization/ Immigration/ Urban America
    I chose this image to represent the Immigration part of this unit. It is showing the inspection stage at Ellis Island. Immigrants went to Ellis Island to become United States Citizens, and this was one step of the process. This shows progress because the United States was now becoming more populated and culturally diverse. Everyone wanted to immigrate to the U.S. for better opportunities for themselves and thier families.
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    Settling the West

  • Imperialism

    I chose the image "Big Stick in the Caribbean" to represent Imperialism because it shows Theodore Roosevelt portraying his "Big Stick Diplomacy." His policies were based on the fact that the United States should help other countries, but not necessarily with force. One example is having a large army, but not necissarily using it; for the intimidation factor. When being peaceful didn't work, he sent in the military. He felt very powerful, and this image portrays that by drawing him large.
  • Ellis Island Process

    Ellis Island Process
    When immigrants came to the United States, they had to stop on Ellis Island in New York. They had to go through many tests to see if they could become a U.s. citizen, like medical and physical fitness tests. Families got broken up, and names got changed. When people were immigrants, one was required to do whatever the U.S. officials told them to. This showed progress because immigrants were coming for a better life, and it also created diversity in the United States.
  • Corporations

    Corporations were created because proprietorships and partnerships could not manage the giant industries that were being created, such as railorads, and steel and oil companies. This raised capital for selling stocks. Because of corporations, more money was now flowing through the economy. The creation of corporations was a sign of progress because large industries could now be managed more efficiently and they could make more money.
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    Industrialization/ Immigration/ Urban America

  • Settling The West

    Settling The West
    I chose this image to represent Settling the West because it shows the document for the Purchase of Alaska from Russia. This was a very important step in settling the west, because the United States now had a new territory. This shows progress because many new resources were now available to the U.S. like gold, coal, and oil.
  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    As miners moved to Canada, Russia feared a land dispute with the United States. Secretary of State William H. Seward bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. The United States now owned more land and it turned out to be a good idea by Seward, because in 1896 the Klondike Gold Rush took place and $1 million worth of gold was found. The Purchase of Alaska showed progress because fish canneries, lumber companies, coal and copper mining, oil, and gold are still being found there today.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie was a Scot who immigrated to the United States in 1848. He entered the steel business in 1870s and immediately controlled it. His process of beating out competitors was buying in bulk and making large amounts of steel. He was able to lower production costs while increasing profits, and could sell steel at a much lower price than his competitors. This was a sign of progress because Carnegie came up with more efficient and cost effective ways of producing and selling steel.
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  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism was named after "The Yellow Kid" which was a comic strip that was published in William Randolph Hearst's "Journal" and Joseph Pulitzer's "World." Yellow Journalism was a method where New York City newspapers attempted to out-do each other by exaggerated reporting. This influenced the public view of the conflict in Cuba. This was a sign of progress because it caused points of view to be expressed more openly and objectively.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Dollar Diplomacy was created by William H. Taft. He used economic power to influence other countires. He bought up Latin America's debt, and when that money didn't help other countries, Taft sent in the Marines to restore order. Dollar Diplomacy changed America's political policies and foreign relations. This did not show progress because it was not as successful as it could have been, since Taft had to resort to sending in troops when money didn't work. There wasn't one definite method.
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  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary was an expansion of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 which stated that the U.S. would consider European attempt to bring back old colonies or create new ones in the Western Hemisphere "as dangerous to our peace and safety," as stated by Monroe. The Corollary secured the U.S. borders and delcared North and South America off-limits to European colonization. This showed progress because each country could handle their own affairs.
  • Progressivism

    I chose this image to repsresent Progressivism because it shows people demanding the proper inspection of meat, saying that if there is no inspection, they will not buy or eat the meat. This was encouraged by Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle" which depicts poor working conditions in the meat-packing industry. This image shows progress because people were beginning to demand that they know what they are eating, and people were then trying to be more involved with the government's powers.
  • Upton Sinclair, "The Jungle"

    Upton Sinclair, "The Jungle"
    "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair was a novel about the unsafe meat-packing industry in Chicago. Sinclair took a graphic approach to convey his opinions. In response to this novel, Americans demanded federal laws that made unhealthful conditions in food-making industries illegal. This novel was thought to lead to the Passage of the Meat Inspection Act. This showed progress because America realized they needed to make laws and provide regulations to ensure that their food was safe to eat.
  • Federal Reserve Act of 1913

    Federal Reserve Act of 1913
    The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, passed by Woodrow Wilson, created a three-level banking system. It combined large private bank control and government banking. The three levels consisted of the Federal Reserve Board, 12 Federal Reserve Banks, and private banks. It created a Nationwide Banking System, while giving everyone equal say in it. This showed progress because now the whole nation had a standard banking system in which everyone was involved equally.
  • War Bonds

    War Bonds
    War bonds took off surplus income and kept inflation down. Citizens would buy war bonds to show their support for the war. This was a sign of progress, because it greatened war support and helped keep inflation down.
  • Propoganda

    The Committee on Public Information (CPI) was created in the Spring of 1917. They portrayed Germans as evil monsters in their posters and advertisements. This sparked violent movies to be made. The propoganda changed and greatened peoples' attitudes (both positively and negatively) towards the war. The creation of propoganda was a sign of progress beause it was a way to convey a message and affected America in a great way. It is still used every day today.
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    German foriegn Secretary Arthur Zimmermann sent a letter to the German minister in Mexico, but it was intercepted by the United States. The note was telling Mexico to enter an alliance with Germany. Because of this letter, Woodrow Wilson had to accept the fact that the United States must enter World War I. He entered the country into the war on April 2, 1917. The Zimmermann Note was not a sign of progress because it caused tension. It forced the inevitable to happen: The U.S. entered WWI.
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    World War I

  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    Henry Ford brought the assembly line method of production to his automobile plant in Detroit, Michigan. The assembly line cut the production time in half. Cars were easier to make, it took less time, and more people owned them. When the assembly line was greatly implemented, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler became the three main automobile companies. This was a major sign of progress. The price of cars was lowered and manufacturing time was much faster. One in five citizens owned a car.
  • WWI

    I chose propoganda to represent WWI because the use of propoganda was a big part of the war. It included all of America, not just those fighting in the war. This particular image is attempting to persuade people to join the Army, inferring that everyone should join and fight in the war. Propoganda showed progress becuase it included everyone and changed peoples' attitudes towards the war, either for better or for worse.
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  • Flappers

    Flappers were the "new women" of the 1920s. Their rebellious attitutes caused them to wear short dresses, have bobbed hair, wear make up, drive cars, play sports, smoke cigarettes, and to begin working in men's jobs. Women were becoming more independent. This was a sign of progress because women were able to contribute more, and they had a new found sense of freedom.
  • 1920s

    I chose flappers to represent the 1920s because they changed the view of women forever. Flappers' rebellious dress styles and actions made them stand out in the crowd. Women had a new sense of independence and power. They felt they could do anything a man could do, maybe even better. This showed progress because women were beginning to play a larger role in society.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment states that "The right of citizens of the United State to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to ensure this article by appropriate legislation." By 1919, just thirty states had granted partial or full voting rights to their citizens. When the 19th Amendment was ratified, every U.S. citizen now had equal voting rights. This showed progress because it was womens' first step to gaining rights.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    John Scopes was a high school biology teacher who taught the theory of Evolution in school. The public did not think he should be teaching this, so he was brought to court and tried. He was found guilty & was fined one hundred dollars. This trial made people think more about what should & shouldn't be taught in school. It introduced science to the public. This was a sign of progress because it opened peoples' minds & brought up opinions. The theory of Evolution is taught in school today.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The New Deal was a fifteen point plan made by Roosevelt to outline the United States' process for recovery from the Great Depression. Congress approved this within the first one hundred days of Rooesevelt taking office. The New Deal was a sign of progress because it gave the nation hope for recovery from the Great Depression, and they had positive attitudes about it. It gave concrete ways to recover, and brought the nation together for a common cause.
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    Great Depression/ New Deal

  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday was the significant event that sent the United States into the Great Depression. Prices dropped to a new low. Sixteen million dollars worth of stock was left on the market, and there were not enought funds to cover it all, so the stocks were sold at huge losses. Thirty billion dollars were lost, and these losses exceeded U.S. involvement in WWI. This was not a sign of progress because it was the final straw that led to the Great Depression.
  • Great Depression/ New Deal

    Great Depression/ New Deal
    I chose this image to represent the Great Depression because it shows the contrast between what the visualization of America was and what it really was. In the background it shows a billboard saying that America's standard of living is very high, and shows the idea of the "American Dream." But, in reality, the people standing in the picture are in a bread line. They are not well off because of the Great Depression, and that is actually what is going on in America at this time.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was a region which suffered a severe drought in the mid-1930s. The region consisted of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, & parts of Colorado, New Mexico, & Kansas. Topsoil completely dried up, strong winds turned the region into a wasteland, & the dust that was swept up covered farm machinery & made it’s way into houses, making for extremely poor living conditions for those affected. This did not show progress because it caused widespread illness and devastation.
  • War Brides

    War Brides
    War brides were women who married the men they met while the man was actively serving in the military overseas. This brought more people who were immigrating to the United States. This showed progress because women were becoming even more important, as they would travel far and wide to meet their future husbands.
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini was an Italian dictator for the Axis powers during WWII. He was an active socialist who led the National Fascist Party. He wanted to get back at the Allies for not following through with their land promise by the Treaty of Versailles. He invaded Ethiopia, an attempt at rebuilding the Holy Roman Empire. He had little impact on the war, & was not a sign of progress because of his weak military. He had to ask for help from Germany many times, therefore he was not very powerful
  • Women Working

    Women Working
    When men went to WWII, women were encouraged to work in their jobs, contrary to when the men were home. Before, women stay home and do "women's work," but now that the men were gone, women took their place and were now seen more equally to men beause they proved they could do the same work, such as work in war plants, newspapers, and as truck drivers. Women in the work force during WWII increased by over four million women. This showed progress because women now felt more important and valued
  • WWII

    I chose this image to represent WWII because it shows the bombings during the war. There were positive and negative effects of the creation of atomic bombs. The negative effects are that many people were killed and lands were devastated. But positive outcome of the invention of bombs are that atomic energy is now used in medical procedures such as CAT scans and in chemotherapy. A long-term negative effect was that illnesses such as the passage of leukemia to offspring is still going on today
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    World War II

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower won the 1952 presidential election. He was a WWII hero, and used the skills he used in the military to help his campaign. He helped enact peace negotiations in order to end the Korean War. This was a sign of progress because he succeeded in his goals and kept his promises.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    After WWII ended, people started getting married earlier, settling down, and having a family. Families began having more children than years past, therefore the birth rate skyrocketed. This was progress because there was more of a focus on children, and even though women were portrayed in the media as stay-at-home moms, more middle class mothers began working to support thei families.
  • Growth of Suburbs (Levittown)

    Growth of Suburbs (Levittown)
    Levittown was a neighborhood in Pennsylvania. Levittown was created as suburbs were beginning to become more prominent. Levittown consisted of simple, box-like houses and the town portrayed the "American Dream." It showed progress because families were able to settle down, and suburbs were growing.
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    Cold War/ Korean War/ 1950s

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    Vietnam/ Watergate

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education was a court case in which the Supreme Court decided that all public schools must integrate "with all deliberate speed." The south resisted this at first, but this was the first step to equality between blacks and whites. It showed progress beause of the integration and it showed that lots of protesting and perseverance could lead to great things.
  • Cold War/ Korean War/ 1950s

    Cold War/ Korean War/ 1950s
    I chose this image to represent the growth of subarbs during the end of the 1950s. Levittown was one of the first neighborhoods with modern houses. This showed progress because people were able to settle down and raise families in an "American Dream" setting. Suburbs were now becoming more prominent in America's way of life.
  • Student Protests

    Student Protests
    The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was created and they staged sit-ins and protested schools for equal education. Because of their protests, lunch coutners started serving blacks. This showed progress because blacks were slowly but surely gaining rights, and it showed that students had a lot of power and proved that they could make a difference.
  • JFK/ LBJ/ Civil Rights Movement

    JFK/ LBJ/ Civil Rights Movement
    I chose this image of Rosa Parks to represent the Civil Rights Movement. Without Rosa Parks' action of refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, the movement would not have started as early as it did. Without Rosa Parks, other people would not have had the courage to begin the Montgomery Bus Boycotts or other protests. It showed progress because she was the spark that began the movement. After her action, everyone followed her lead and did not give up on receiving their rights.
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    JFK/ LBJ/ Civil Rights Movement

  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    JFK became president in November of 1960 as a supporter of the Civil Rights Movement. He wanted to end segregation. His support of the Movement led to the March on Washington, D.C., one of the most famous gatherings of the Civl Rights Movement. The March led to more people supporting the cause. JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, just three years into his presidency. JFK brought progress upon the United States because there was so much support for him.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The My Lai Massacre was the killing of more than three hundred unarmed civilians in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. Those killed included women, children, and elderly. They tried to cover it up, but could not do that for long. Photos & videos of the massacre were released to the public one year later. U.S. soldiers were not looked at positively. Leadership was questioned. This did not show progress because U.S. soldiers were now seen as the "bad guys." Many soldiers suffered from PTSD.
  • Why did the United States go to the Vietnam War?

    Why did the United States go to the Vietnam War?
    JFK sent troops to aid South Vietnam to gain power and recover from the Bay of Pigs incident. After JFK was assassinated and Lyndon Johnson assumed the presidency, he realized the U.S. should not have been involved. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave Johnson the power to bring back the troops. The U.S. becoming involved in the war did not show progress because they should have just stayed out of it.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to eighteen years old. The thought behind this was that if one was old enough to serve their country, one was old enough to vote. This showed progress because it granted more political power to those who were fighting for it.
  • Vietnam/ Watergate

    Vietnam/ Watergate
    The Wall SongSince this was the last unit, I chose a video with pictures and a song to represent the Vietnam War and how it still affects the nation today. It is called "The Wall Song," and it's about the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. It depicts the people looking at the wall and the people whose names are on the wall. The war itself did not show progress, but the building of the memorial brought everyone together, then, now, and for years to come.