Granada la alhambra

Timeline of Al-Andalus

  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    In 711 a Muslim army led by the general Tarik crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to plunder th area.
    Don Rodrigo was defeated in this battle by the Muslims.
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Dependent Emirate

    The Muslims called the conquered region Al-Andalus. between 711-756 it was a Dependent Emirate: a province that dependent politically & religiously on the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus. The capital of Al-Andalus was Córdoba.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    The Muslim invasion was halted in the montainous region of Asturias, when a group of Chistians led by Don Pelayo defeated the Muslims in the Battle of Covadonga in 722.
    This battle is taken as the beginning of La Reconquista.
  • 756

    Abderraman I

    Abderraman I
    Abderraman I escaped to the Iberian Peninsula because of the assesination of his family by the Abbasids.
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independent Emirate

    756: The Umayyad prince Abderraman I arrived in the Iberian Peninsula after escaping form the assassination of his family by the Abbasid. Taking advantage of the local tensions between Arabs & Berbers he deposed the emir of Al-Andalus and established an Independent Emirate.
  • 929

    Abderraman III

    Abderraman III
    Abderraman III proclaimed himself Caliph, leading to a political and religious independence from the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad.
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Caliphate of Córdoba

    Abderraman III proclaimed himself Caliph, leading to a political and religious independence from the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad.
    The reign of Abderraman III was the period of greatest splendour of Al-Andalus.
    The prosperity continued under other caliphs like Hisham II. He was only 10 years old when he become caliph, so he delegated government to Almanzor, a military leader who archived great successes over the Christians. When Almanzor died the caliphate fell into crisis due to a civil war.
  • 1031

    First Taifas

    First Taifas
    The Caliphate of Córdoba was divided into 28 Taifas, they are small independent Muslim kingdoms. This made the very weak.
  • Period: 1031 to 1265

    Taifas & North African Rulers

    The Caliphate of Cordoba had disintegrated into 28 Taifas are small independent Muslim kingdom.
    In 1085 the king of Leon Alfonso VI conquered the Taifa of Toledo.
    In 1085 Almoravids came to help the Taifas defeating the Christians and incorporated them into their empire.They implemented a strong religious radicalism. Taifas were conquered by Almohads in 1172.Almohads reunified Al-Andalus & incoporated it into their empire.
    In 1238 Al-Andalus had been reduced into The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.
  • 1085

    Taifa of Toledo

    Taifa of Toledo
    The king of Leon, Alfonso VI, conquered the Taifa of Toledo. This conques was named by the Muslims * The beginning of the end* of Al-Andalus. For help, they asked the Almoravids. ( A Muslime empire that was ruling in the North of Africa.)
  • 1086

    Battle of Sagrajas

    Battle of Sagrajas
    The Almoravids came to the Peninsula to help the Taifa kings, and defeated the Christians at the Battle of Sagrajas.
    The Almoravids reunified Al-Andalus and incorporated it into their Empire.
  • 1145

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids
    The Almoravids implemented a strong religious radicalism, persecuting Mozarabs & Jews. Their rigidness led them to an internal crisis that caused the disintegration of Al-Andalus again into taifas in 1145.
  • 1172

    The Almohads & The Second Taifas

    The Almohads & The Second Taifas
    The second Taifas remained independent until 1172, when they were conquered by the Almohads. (the dynasty that had replaced the Almoravids in North Africa.)
    The Almohads reunified Al-Andalus again and incorpored into their empire.
  • 1195

    Battle of Alarcos

    Battle of Alarcos
    It was a battle between the Almohads led by Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur and King Alfonso VIII of Castile. It resulted in the defeat of the Castilian forces and their subsequent retreat to Toledo, whereas the Almohads reconquered Trujillo, Montánchez, and Talavera.
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas De Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas De Tolosa
    The Almohads were defeated by the Christians in Battle of Las Navas De Tolosa in 1212, after this battle, the Almohads retreated the North of Africa and Al-Andalus was disintegrated again into third Taifas.
    This battle allowed the Christians to reach the Valley of Guadalquivir.
  • 1238

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
    In 1238 Al-Andalus had been reduced to the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.
    It survived for more than 200 years because of:
    -Their geographical location the mountains (Sierra Nevada) acted as a natural defensive barrier.
    -The acces to the Mediterranean enabled them to recive support of Muslims from North Africa & develop a rich trade.
    Payment of Parias to the Kings of Castilla.
  • Period: 1265 to 1492

    Nasrid kingdom of Granada

    Ti survived for more than 200 years due to its geographical locaton (Sierra Nevada) that worked as a defensive barrier.
    The acces to the Mediterranean enabled them to recive support of Muslims from North Africa & develop a rich trade.
    Payment of parias to the kings of Castilla.
    In 1492 after a 10 years war, the Catholic Monarchs captured Granada. La Reconquista had finished.
  • 1492

    The end of *La Reconquista*

    The end of *La Reconquista*
    After a 10-years war, the Catholic Monarchs, Fernando II from Aragón and Isabel I from Castilla, captured Granada.
    La Reconquista had finish!!!