The spread of Christianity and Islamic civilizations

  • 30

    Jesus begins preaching

    Jesus begins preaching
    Jesus begins preaching His ideas, such as the promise of a great afterlife
  • 33

    The last supper

    The last supper
    Jesus is reported to Roman officials at a supper, and is later crucified.
  • 66

    Jewish revolts at Jerusalem

    There are Jewish revolts at Jerusalem, that the Romans controlled,they revolted due to Romans persecuting them
  • 312

    Battle of milvian bridge

    Battle of milvian bridge
    Before the battle Constantine had a vision from god, that told him to paint crosses on his soldiers shields, he then won the battle and believed that helped him claim victory.
  • 313

    Christianity becomes legal

    Christianity becomes legal
    Constantine makes Christianity legal, from the previous battle.
  • 377

    Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome

    Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome
    Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome, and gets rid of the previous Roman gods.
  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad is born
    Muhammad is born, the soon to be creator of Islam.
  • 610

    muhammad has visions from Allah

    muhammad has visions from Allah
    Muhammad has visions, causing him to spread his word and creating a new major religion.
  • 800

    Baghdad becomes the center of Islamic culture

    Baghdad becomes the center of Islamic culture
    The city becomes the center Islamic culture, and it is still a historic place today.
  • 900

    Al-Razi writes medical texts

    Al-Razi writes medical texts
    Al-Razi is an important figure in the history of medicine, he studied diseases.
  • 1258

    Mongols burn Baghdad

    The Mongols attack Baghdad, pillaging the city and burning it.
  • 1500

    Suleiman 1 rules the Ottoman Empire

    Suleiman 1 rules the Ottoman Empire
    Suleiman 1, also known as suleiman the great,rules the Ottoman Empire, he had a successful military career and had the strongest navy in the history f the Ottoman Empire.