The Battle of Tours

  • Jan 1, 711

    Muslim Expansion

    Muslims expand West into Iberia and Portugal with the powerful military leading the way.
  • Jan 1, 721

    Muslim defeat

    Muslim forces expanding North are defeated by Odo the duke of Aquitiane
  • Jan 1, 721

    Muslim forces invade

    The Muslim forces sweep North trying to conquer Northern Europe.
  • Jan 1, 722

    The army is building

    Charles Martel starts to train forces for a full time military job.
  • Oct 5, 732

    Preperation for the battle

    Martel chooses very carfully where he will fight the battle
  • Oct 6, 732

    Preperation for the battle

    Martel chooses very carfully where he is going to fight the Battle of Tours
  • Oct 10, 732

    Muslims come North again.

    Strong Muslim cavalry charges the Christian soliders repeatedly trying to make a hole in the front line.
  • Oct 10, 732

    2nd Muslim defeat

    The troops of Martel withstand the Muslim cavalry while forces go behind Muslim lines and loot the Muslims.
  • Oct 11, 732

    The day after the battle

    The victourious Martel worries that Muslims will ambush him by trying to lure him down a hill into the open.