8 month old Ryan Crawling
Ryan's first signs of indepedence and gross motor skills by wanting to be put down and crawl around. Crawling around allows him to explore the environment presented to him. Crawling is an example of dynamic systems theory (pg 125) where it utilizes muscle usage, perception, thinking, and motivation to perform the task. -
First Word
Ryan speaks his first word, Dada. This is the first sign of beginning to use words in short sentences. We reinforce Ryans thought process by using infant directged speech. This being short sentences used in a voice that isn't as masculine but affectionate towards the infant. (p.163) -
Pre-school days
Ryan is in preschool to help provide social and intellectual experiences that will help in the future academic years (pg.236). He has a couple friends and is average in language. Where he excelled in preschool was problem solving with puzzles and imitating the way te teach built the block tower. -
Ryan had a serious fight with his best friend at the beginning of fifth grade and has not made up. He has been moody lately. Ryan is hanging out with a different group of friends at school, and there is some taunting going on between the two sides in the quarrel. Ryans view of friendship is changing. He is experiencing stage 2 where you base frienships on trust. (pg. 334) Early issues like these make it difficult to ammend them at all. -
Hungry game
Ryan is being to snack a lot more. He is primarily going for junk food. Obesity is rising dramatically over the past three decaded. I don't want my son to be another statistic. One of the treatment methods that the book provides on page 280 is by changing on what is available at home. BY doing this you would change the junk food around the house to be healthier options instead. I want Ryan to be healthy so it wont hinder him later on. -
Highschool Drama
Ryan is being stressed due to high school arguments with friends and issues with either losing homework or it being too difficult. He's developed coping mechanism in order to let the stress not affect by shooting hoops, indulging in videogames, or the TV. This type of defensive coping where it involves strategies to deny or distort the true situation. (pg.365) I let him know that he should move more toward social support as a coping mechanism where he can talk to me about his problems. (pg. 365) -
teen independence
Ryan is 16 now and attaining a sense of independence. On his quest for autonomy he decided to run away with his girlfriend and get matching tattoos. Adolescents go through this process of increasingly trying to seek autonomy where you make sense of control over one's life. (Ch 16, pg. 416) It is understastandable that these issues are normal in adolescence. Their prefontal cortex is immature which will lead to more risky and impulsive behavior. (ch 14, pg. 361) He just needs to learn from them. -
Paving ones path
Because of the family finances, Ryan has deferred admission to his 4-year college of choice. He will work for a year and take some transferable community college classes. He starts right in with a summer job. Ryan is experiencing the realistic period of his life where people explore options through job experience or training, narrow their choices and eventually make a commitment to a career. (pg. 397)