
Prophet's Timeline 622-632 CE / 1-10 AH

By 18-108
  • Jun 13, 622

    Migration to Madinah 1 AH

    Migration to Madinah 1 AH
    The migration to Madinah consisted of approximately 100 people and took approximately 1-2 weeks. The motive behind the migration is due to the persecution that the Prophet (PBUH) was faced with by the kaffirs whilst in Mecca. Not only was the Prophet harmed but the companions also had to deal with some harm as well. Hence, the Prophet and some of the companions left for Madina. Something to note is whilst the Muslims were in Mecca they werent given permission to defend themselves yet.
  • Period: Jun 30, 622 to Dec 31, 627

    10 years of the Prophet after Hijrah

    The islamic year is from 1-10AH
  • Jul 6, 622

    Ties of Brotherhood

    Ties of Brotherhood
    The ties of the brotherhood is the recognition from the people of the immagrants to be paired up with another person who is actually from Madinah and will essentially be brothers. However, the Prophet's situation was relatively different. In his case he let the camel walk and whichever house it sat down next to would be the Prophet's place of residence.
  • Jul 10, 622

    Building of the Mosque

    Building of the Mosque
    Right after the success of the migration the companions as well as the Prophet were greeted respectfully by the people but obviously known as guests. However, right when the Prophet arrived the companions helped the Prophet with building a mosque which was utilized as a headquarters, mosque and somewhat related to a school. Something else that needs to be noted is that the ground was originally used as a date farm and was bought off of two orphans and sons of Amr.
  • Jul 28, 622

    The Constitution

    The Constitution
    After the Prophet had settled the majority of the people of Madinah including the leading tribe had agreed to allow Muhammad to be the new elected leader due to their belief in him. So after this matter Muhammad came up with a constitutions where some of the rules were things such as the protection of Madinah in case of an invasion and no killings of your fellow brothers/sisters.
  • Mar 4, 624

    Battle of Banu Baynuqaa

    Battle of Banu Baynuqaa
    There was a time where a believing woman set out to a Jewish Jewellery shop in order to purchace several items. As she approached the shop the man insisted that her face was to be uncovered but she insisted otherwise. Therefore, several Jews collected some thorns and attached it through the bottom of her dress as she sat down. Hence, she got up and her legs were shown and a man rushed after hearing her scream. This lead to his martyr and the death of th Jew.
  • Mar 6, 624

    Batte of Banu Qaynuqaa Part 2

    Batte of Banu Qaynuqaa Part 2
    Due to this the Prophet [PBUH] set out to fight the Jews who retreated to their castles. Despite the retreat they lost and it was told that their hands were tied up.
  • Mar 13, 624

    The battle of Badr

    The battle of Badr
    The battle of Badr was a key event after the migration to Madinah. However, this is not due to the simple fact that it was a battle. It was simply because it tested the faith of the newcomers of Islam who were willing to struggle and to isolate the evil and the hypocrites that lived secretly from within the walls of Islam.
  • Mar 19, 625

    Battle of Uhud

    Battle of Uhud
    The battle of uhud was a loss for the muslims. As they saw victory approaching the main troops which were the archers on the hill started to exit the hill they were on. Upon doing so the kafirs approached them from behind and hence the muslims lost.
  • Jan 5, 627

    Battle of the ditch

    Battle of the ditch
    The battle of the ditch(Khandaq) was another key event for the muslims of Madinah after the migration. The defeat of Uhud against 3, 000 men then lead on to the battle of the ditch which was another invasion with the kaffirs at 10, 000 soldiers. However, in this case the Prophet resorted to tactical plans and in this case it was the formation of the ditch.
  • Mar 3, 627

    Battle of Khaybar

    Battle of Khaybar
    The Battle of Khaybar was the battle of the Jews who were large in number and at 14, 000 soldiers whilst the Muslims were at 1, 400 soldiers.
    The reason for the battle was due to the fact that the Qaynuqa were banished from Madinah and something to note is that Khaybar was north of madina.
    Just as a note Khaybar was a village known for growing ripe grains and dates.
  • Nov 3, 630

    Conquest of Mecca

    By now the power had shifted towards the side of the Muslims and Prophet Muhammad (SAW). They marched towards Mecaa without bloodshed and fighting and as the other tribes saw the tides change the muslims gathered more support from the other tribes. This meant success from Alllah (SW) for the Muslims.
  • Nov 3, 632

    The Last Years 630-632 AD

    These were the last few years of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). During these years the majority of the arab penninsula was under the rule of Islam. At approximately the month of March in 632 AD the prophet performed one last pilgrimage to Mecca were thousands upon thousands of Muslims joined in as well.
  • Nov 16, 632


    "Battle of Uhud." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. "Battle of Badr." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. "Migration to Madinah." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. "Key Events of Madina." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. <
  • Mar 24, 635


    We can conclude from the 10 events that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a brave man due to the fact of him being able to stand his ground whilst outnumbered by the Jews not only whilst in battle but before the ayaah came down to declare that the Muslims could defend themselves through arms. At the same time it made him patient due to the fact he had to live through hardship prior to the legislation of Jihaad in the 2nd year of the Islamic calender.
  • Mar 26, 635

    Conclusion part 2

    Conclusion part 2
    As a result it is important to note that the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was very well-rounded as he would do complete the right objectives at the corresponding time. For example, he would fight when the Muslim's were being troubled and he would make peace when it was asked for by the Jews.