Jun 13, 622
Migration from Makkah to Madina
Prophet Muhammad started encourgaging the idea of migration from Makkah to Yathrib where life would be much safer. 70 families headed to Madina. The Quraish aka the pagans wanted to prevent him from leaving Makkah, believing more people would embrace Islam, as well as cut off their trades with Sham. The prophet and Abu Baker left Makkah at dawn when Ali Ibn Abi Talib had slept in his bed because the Quraish couldn't kill him. After leaving Madinah, he hid in a cave and then soon left for Madina -
Oct 10, 622
Constitution of Madina
After the migration from Mecca to Medina, the prophet had joined a diverse community, both in faith and tribes. Different faiths included Muslims, Jews, and Polytheists. There were tribes Aws, Khazrij, Banu Quraidha, Banu An Nadheer, and Banu Qainuqaa. To make the diverse community become one, the Prophet drew a constitution that had brought them together and settled on how the city would run. 50 clauses were included and encouraged peaceful relations and to keep Madinah always safe. -
Dec 11, 622
Masjid Al Nabawi.
The first mosque built in Medina was made by the Prophet and his companians nearby the Prophet's house. It was a major step because it was one of the first houses of worship in Islam. It was then developed into what became the modern Masjid Al Nabawi where thousands of Muslims everyday go to and embrace of. -
Jan 10, 623
Battle of Badr
After leaving for Madinah, Badr was the very first battle with Quraish. While the Quraish were 950 soldier, 314 soldiers fought in the name of Islam. This comparison was outnumbered 3 to 1. The battle was won by the Muslims, while 70 of the Quraish were killed and another 70 captured. The Quraish were finally defeated and was a great victory for the Muslims. -
Jul 15, 624
Battle of Uhud
During this battle, it was taken place near a mountain 5 kilometers north of Medina. Both the Quraish and the Muslims fought in Uhud even though, they were heavily outnumbered, the Muslims still fought and gained initiative. When Muslims who were assigned by the Prophet, left their posts, an attack from the Quraish came unexpectedly. Soon, the Muslims withdrew from Uhud and the Quraish considered victory, although they were disappointed they hadn't killed the Prophet. This had setback Muslims. -
Jan 10, 627
Battle of the Trench
The Battle of the Trench we named after a strategy to build a trench around Madinaa to prevent enemies from entering. The battle was started by Quraish, who gathered tribes of Arabia to fight against the Muslims. Quraish/Allies were 10,000 men while Muslims were only 3,000 men. The Prophet's companion (Salman Al-Farisee) suggested that they built a trench around the city, where they won the battle easily. -
Sep 9, 627
Treaty of Huddaybiyah
The Prophet (saw) left Medinah with his companions to perform Umrah in Makkah, after seeking a dream of doing Umrah. 1400 Muslims came along with him on the journey. Quraish prevented them by sending 200 men to stop them from entry. The Prophet then went to a well, Al-Hudaibiyah, which is twenty-two kilometers to the north-west of Makkah. After setting up peace with the Quraish, both parties established a peace treaty. -
The Conquest of Makkah.
Quraish had violated the treaty of al-Hudaybiyyah by helping Banu Bakr with horses and weapons against Banu Khuzaa'ah who were the allies of the Muslims. Banu Khuzaa'ah wasn't prepared for the attack. Banu Bakr killed more than twenty of their men in the mosque. After breaking the treaty, the Prophet had stepped in and took over Makkah, once and for all. -
The Letter of the Prophet (saw) to Al-Mundhir ibn Saawa
After the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, peaceful conditions started with Prophet (saw) writing letters to eight superior, foreign emporers and rulers, calling upon them to accept Islam. The Prophet sent ambassadors to send his message across the region and even further, his ambassadors chosen carefully. since they were risking their lives to spread the message of Islam. None of his ambassadors backed down, he made sure that his letters were sealed. Several of them had embraced Islam.