Nation of Islam

  • Main Leader: Malcolm X

    Main Leader: Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was born May 19th 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up very poor surrounded by racism. At the age of 6 he was threatened by the KKK and his father was murdered by a group of white supremicist this started his dislike towards white people.
  • Founder of Nation of Islam

    Founder of Nation of Islam
    W.D. Fard started off as a door to door pedaler sharing his thoughts that the afro americans were being taking over and that they should return to Islam. These beliefs later turned into him creating the nation of islam in detroit michigan in 1930 (info taken from textbook) The Sixties In America
  • Major Accomplishments

    Major Accomplishments
    The nation of islam at the beginning, attracted to people who were looking for guidance. This included criminals, drug addicts, and other illegal persons. By the Nation of Islam promising guidance they experienced a extreme follower growth. Another accomplishment was the building of the nation. They successfully built schools, housing, stores, mosques, and the public works. This also helped attract people to follow the Nation of Islam.
  • Nation of Islam main beliefs

    Nation of Islam main beliefs
    Followers of NOI believe there is not a good and they believe in Allah. They are required to pray at least 5 times a day. Also they view Elijah Muhammad of god. Nation of Islam is different from mainstream islam for the main reason that Islam does not promote racism while NOI does and believes black people are the superior race.
  • Elijah Muhammed

    Elijah Muhammed
    Led the black nationalist group the nation of Islam from 1934 until his death in 1974
    Believed in independence for african Americans and racial separation because white people were devils
  • Difference Between NOI and Islam Beliefs

    Difference Between NOI and Islam Beliefs
    Islam recognized one true God Allah and is rooted in God’s obedience. One of the key characteristics of Islam is that all believers follow by heart and by deeds. NOI is centered on the belief that the Blacks is a greater race than any other. Nation of Islam is different from mainstream islam for the main reason that Islam does not promote racism while NOI does and believes black people are the superior race.
  • Malcolm X begins preaching for the Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X begins preaching for the Nation of Islam
    He believed that white people shouldn't be trusted and that African Americans should be proud of their heritage and set up black communities without the help of white Americans. He believed that African Americans should rely on themselves to solve their own problems.Violence wasn't the answer, but should be used in the case of self-defense. This opposed MLK's beliefs in nonviolence but Malcolm X wanted change.
  • Malcolm Begins to Preach

    Malcolm Begins to Preach
    After being in jail for 7 year Malcolm was looking for a change in his life. He wanted a new way of life for blacks in America and for them to be proud of their race. He later met Elijah Eligah mohammed in Chicago and shared their similar beliefs.
  • Malcolm X breaks his ties with the Nation after the "Elijah affair" and his hajj to Mecca

    Malcolm X breaks his ties with the Nation after the "Elijah affair" and his hajj to Mecca
    Malcolm makes a comment about John F Kennedy’s assassination that was not taken the right way and many African American figures were upset about the assassination and Elijah silences Malcolm of speaking publicly for 90 days.
    (Mecca) He experienced a second conversion to Sunni Islam which they believed in unity and self-respect.
  • Farrakhan helps lead the Million Man March

    Farrakhan helps lead the Million Man March
    Many African American men (around 850,000) standing for 10 hours to show civil rights act. African Americans were suggested to stay home to focus on the struggle of the black community and to show how much they really mean to the world as a whole. They pledged to no violence unless in case of self defense, abstinence to drugs and alcohol, no abuse towards women, and to focus on building black businesses and supporting their communities.
  • Current Problems

    Current Problems
    Their racial bias opinion still continues to be very controversial today because they still believe that whites are the devil and African Americans were “created” before everyone. The nation of islam has not adapted to modern society because their traditional beliefs of different race marriage being prohibited.