The Beginning
W.D. Fard, silk seller, arrived in Detroit claiming he came from Mecca, portraying a new belief of Islam. -
The Messenger
Fard established the first Nation of Islam temple in Detroit around 1931. Fard was imprisoned and vanished in 1934. A new leader was in need and Elijah Poole would be this person. Changing his name to Elijah Muhammad and was known as God's messenger. -
The Movement
Malcolm X would join the Nation. The profile was raised majority from the help of Malcolm X. Providing a new message to black people the Nation would set up schools, restaurants, and stores. -
Tension grew between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad as Malcolm was the public face. Malcolm was unable to speak to the press for 90 days for his comments on the JFK's assassination. -
Cassius Clay
During this period of time where Malcolm X was silenced. His family spent time with Clay while preparing to fight the favored Sonny Liston. Clay had been visiting temples and sought guidance from Malcolm X. -
Muhammad Ali
Clay would win his championship fight and Elijah Muhammad would enroll and change his name at a convention for the Nation of Islam. Malcolm was not invited to this gathering which was known as his breaking point and Malcolm X would form his own group. Under a year from this point he was murdered by members of the nation while Elijah disclaiming any responsibility. -
Death of Elijah Muhammad
The leader of the Nation of Islam would die in 1975 and the leadership would be given to his son W.D. Muhammad. In 1978, Louis Abdul Farrakhan would revive the nation and he stills runs it to this day