Jan 1, 632
Muhammad Dies
Period: Jan 1, 632 to Dec 23, 1258
Spread of Islam
Dec 19, 632
Abu Bakar becomes caliph
Father of one of Muhammad's favorite wives and people believe that their allegence is pledged to Muhammad and not the caliph. Abu Bakar uses wisdom and lenience to unify the people. Gazu raids are very common and many people take part in them. -
Jun 14, 634
Umar rules
He raises gazu raids to a new height and use these raids to get into Iraq,Seria, Egypt, and Persian Empire. Period of triumph that ends rapidly when he is stabbed to death. -
Oct 3, 635
Uthman Rules
3rd Caliph and married to one of Muhammad's daughters. Muslims gain new territory, but are also alienated because he gave prestigious posts to family members. -
Jan 23, 656
Uthman is assasinated
Angry soldiers sneak into his house and kill both Uthman and his wife. -
Aug 31, 657
Ali's Reign
4th Caliph and married to another one of Muhammad's daughters. Under him occurred a 5 year civil war because his rule was not accepted, especially in Seria due to disagreement. -
Apr 10, 661
Ali is assasinated
Jan 21, 711
Muslims move into Spain
They also try to move into France, but are stopped by the Franks.