Jun 30, 622
Migration from Makkah to Madina
Prophet Muhammad's migration to Madinah was made up of 100 people and took around about 1-2 weeks. The reason for the migration was because the muslims werent allowed to perform their religion.They were also harmed mentally and in some cases physically, so they had to migrate in order to openly follow their religion and so that they weren't treated in such a barbaric way. -
Period: Jun 30, 622 to Dec 31, 627
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon hims) life from 1-5 AH
Jul 14, 622
The ties of brotherhood
The ties of the brotherhood is when the each man from Madina is paired up with the makkan men and they are practically brothers. However, the Prophet didn't do this as he didn't want to show any form of favouritism. So what he did was he let his camel walk, and whichever house it stopped at, he would stay there. -
Jul 18, 622
Buiulding of the Prophets mosque
When the prophet migrated to Medina, the prophet wanted to build a Masjid that would act as a place to worship Allah (SWT) and would act as the hedquaters of the muslims in Medina. The land for this masjid was bought off two orphans who said they would give it to the Prophet for free, however the prophet being the just man that he is insisted that he would pay. The land was used as a date farm before it was used to build the Prophets mosque. -
Jul 25, 622
The constitution
Once the prophet had successfully made Medina his home, the masses as well as the most powerful tribe in Medina agreed for the prophet to be their new ruler due to their belief in Islam and his prophethood. So once Prophet Muhammad was the new leader, he wisely came up with a constitution which stated the rules and laws of Medina. For example one of them stated that if Medina was invaded, they would help one another to protect themselves from the invading army no matter what. -
Mar 1, 624
Battle of Banu qaynuqaa
Banu Qaynuqaa went against the constitution of prophet muhammad. They hurt muslims and even intimidated their women. One exaple is when a woman went to a jewish jewler to purchase some goods, a man outside the store insisted she would unover her face, being the believing woman she was she did not do so. The jews put thorns on her dress so when she sat down her dress came off exposing her body. A muslim man came running after hearing her scream and killed a jew, then that muslim was a matyr. -
Mar 10, 624
Battle of Badr
The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam could have come to an end. It was also a way to test the newcomers to Islam and to see if they could risk their life for their faith. With the help of Allah and the strong believers, the muslims won. -
Mar 10, 625
Battle of Uhud
The Quraysh were furious and shocked coming off of an humiliating loss to the muslims. The Qurays were almost certain that they would crush the muslims at badr, however they were suprised to endure a crushing defeat. They felt that because they lost the battle, that doesn't mean that they have lost the war. they came to uhud with 3 times as much soldiers and beat the muslims due to a silly mistake where some of the archers of the prophets army did not obey Muhammad's (PBUH) comand to stay put. -
Jan 5, 626
Expulsion of Banu an nadhir
The prophet asked banu an nadhir to help him to pay the blood money for two men that the muslims mistook for their enemies. Banu an nadhir agreed to help however they were hatching a ghastly plan. They were planning to assasinate prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They invited the prophet and some of his companions to their fortress. Whilst the the prophet sitting down, their plan was to drop a big stone on the prophet. Angel jibraeel came and warned the prophet about this and the prophet got up and -
Jan 6, 626
Banu an nadhir part 2
walked out without a word. He went back to Medina and told them what happened. He declared war on banu an nadhir. They marched towards their fortress and surrounded them for six nights. They finally surrendered and were banished from Medina for dishonouring the constitution and plotting against the prophet. -
Jan 4, 627
Battle of the trench
The battle of the trench was a battle which was following the battle of uhud. In this case it was an invasion of the Kaafirs. This time the kaafirs had more than 3 times the soldiers that they had at the battle of uhid, the number was around 10,000. The muslims came up with a bright plan which was to dig a trench around them to protect them from the kaafirs. -
Mar 2, 627
Battle of Khaybar
Khaybar was the last but formidable Jewish force in Arabia. They were anxious to confront the Muslims for the hardship of their brothers in Madeenah, the Jews of Khaybar were willing to spend their wealth in pursuit of stirring agitation from the neighbouring Arab tribes to wage war against the Prophet. The prophet decided that the time had come to get rid of their intrigues once and for all so that he might be able to point his attention to other important matters. -
From these events which i have talked about we can learn a lot. We can see that the propher has never started a fight, he has only fought back and stood his ground. We can see that he is a man of principles, when the constitution was not followed, he didn't just let them slip by with it. He made it clear that this was unnacceptable and always marked his words. We can learn that the prophet went through many hardships to keep Islam alive. We should always do our best to follow the action of him. -
Works cited
MLA formatted bibliography:
"The Constitution of Medina." Constitutionofmadina.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2014. . "Important Events after the Migration." Maaref-foundation.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2014. . "The Conquest of Khayber." Al-Islam.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2014. . Ṣallābī, ʻAlī Muḥammad Muḥammad. The Noble Life of the Prophet: (peace Be upon Him). Vol. 2. Riyadh: Darussalam, 2005. Print. Aziz, Molvi Abdul. Islamic Studies Grade 8. Vol. 3. Riyadh: Abdul Malik Mujahid, 20 -
Works cited
"A2Youth.com - The Youth's Islamic Resource." A2Youth. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. "The Banu'n-Nadir Are Banished." The Banu'n-Nadir Are Banished. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. -
Conauest of makkah 2
The muslims left for Makkah on the tenth day of ramadan. The kaafir leaders of Quraysh were frozen with fear, little did they know that the prophet wanted this trek to be a peaceful one. One with no killing or injuries. The leaders of the Quraysh, came to muslim camp to ser the Prophet (PBUH) After some extensive talking, they testified that there is no god but Allah (SWT) and prophet (PBUH) is the messenger and servant of Allah. The muslim army entered Makkah with ease and took over the city. -
Conquest of Makkah
On November 629, the Quraysh did a thing which ruined the peace between the Muslims and Makkans. The Quraysh broke the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. They helped the tribe Bakr to lead an attack on Khuzah. Which was a tribe that joined the Prophet's (PBUH) side. The Quraysh were terrified when they realized the consequences of their actions. It gave the Muslims an amazing reason to infiltrate Makkah. When they sent AbuSufyan to make up with the Prophet, he said no to everything abu sufyan said. -
Conquest of Makkah 3
Following the events in part 2 and 3. The propher (PBUH) came into Makkah to see that the idols were being smashed by the Makkans. The prophet had brought Islam into Makkah successfully. The idols inside the Ka'bah were being smashed too. The prophet generally forgave everyone, the muslims and the Makkans. All except ten indivuduals.