Kara pd. 7 Religion Quiz

  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1500 BCE


    1. Hinduism is dominant in India
    2. About 15% of today's population practice Hinduism
    3. They believe when someone dies, they are reborn, or reincarnated into a new body. If you lived a good life, your social class in your next life goes up.
    4. The Om.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 400 BCE


    1. Judaism is dominant in the Middle East (Israel) and in North America (United States).
    2. 0.2% of today's population practice Judaism.
    3. Their sacred text is called the Tanakh or the Hebrew Bible. Growing up is important to Jews because during bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies, they understand the responsibility of their actions.
    4. The Star of David
  • 500 BCE


    1. Buddhism is dominant in Asia, in the Southeast.
    2. About 7% of today's population practices Buddhism.
    3. There is an 8 step plan called the 8 fold path. Actions are more important than beliefs.
    4. The Lotus Flower
  • Period: 1 CE to 100


    1. The Americas (North, South and central) and around Europe.
    2. About 33% of today's population practices Christianity.
    3. Christians believe that Jesus is God in human form. Christians eat bread and drink wine that are blessed as the body and blood of Jesus.
    4. The Cross
  • 610


    1. Islam is dominant in the Asia - Pacific region.
    2. About 25% of today's population practices Islam.
    3. The Five Pillars are a Muslim's most important duties. The Quran, which translates to "the recitation," collects the words of God.
    4. The crescent and the star
  • Period: 722 to 1492


    1. The Christians and Muslims were fighting because the Christians felt threatened that the Muslims owned as much land as them.
    2. The Iberian Peninsula in Spain.
    3. The battle of Covadonga started the war.
    4. Alfonso VI King of Leon was the leader of the Muslims
    5. The Reconquista decreased the population of the Islamic cities drastically
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    The Crusades pt. 2

    1. The Crusades slowed the spread of Islam. However, the Muslims were able to keep control over Jerusalem
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    The Crusades pt. 1

    1. The Muslims and Christians were fighting over Jerusalem, also known as the Holy Land. The Muslims had control over the land, but the Christians wanted it.
    2. Jerusalem, Israel.
    3. The Children's Crusade. Tens of thousands of kids gathered together and marched to Jerusalem, but none of them made it. Many were believed to have been killed or enslaved.
    4. The Pope helped gather and create an army to defend the Christians from the Turks and to try and take control of Jerusalem.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    1. Ferdinand II wanted everyone to be Catholic. So, the Protestants fought back. Although the Roman Catholics and Protestants are both Christians, the 30 Years War began.
    2. Mainly in Germany, Europe and in Prague
    3. 450000 people died, and many were abused and injured.
    4. Count Thurn was the leader of the Protestant revolts and protests
    5. The treaty of Westphalia was signed, which ended the war
  • Period: to

    Circassian war

    1. The Muslims and Christians were fighting. Russia, the Christians, wanted a border to the Black Sea and the Circassians, the Muslims, didn't want that.
    2. Circassia. Southwest of Russia, southeast of Ukraine
    3. The Circassian Genocide killed and deported 1.5 million people, which was 97% of the Circassian population.
    4. Tsar Nicholas I was the commander of Russia and initiated the attack on Circassia
    5. The Russians converted all Islamic people to Christians and the war expanded Russia
  • Period: to

    The Israeli Palestine conflict

    1. The Muslims and Jews were fighting over Israel.
    2. Israel, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea
    3. The U.S. is supporting the Palestinians and the Muslims don't like that.
    4. Ariel Sharon drove the Palestine Liberation Organization out
    5. Israel would give Palestinian territory to the Palestinians for peace. The war is still going on today
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan pt. 1

    1. The Soviet Union took over Afghanistan and the Afghanistan people did not like the new government, mostly because of the laws against Muslims. The Mujahideen (the Islamic rebels) and the government of Afghanistan.
    2. Afghanistan.
    3. The U.S. gave the Mujahideen Stinger missiles which allowed the Mujahideen to shoot down Soviet helicopters and were a major turning point in the war.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan pt. 2

    1. The leaders of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev had the president of Afghanistan killed and took over Afghanistan.
    2. First, Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the Soviet Union, tried to end the war quickly by increasing troop sizes. However, that didn't work so he signed a peace treaty to end the war
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War

    1. The Sunnis and Shias were fighting because the Sunnis thought they should have more power because they had more population. However, the Shias fought back. Sunnis and Shias are both different branches of Islam.
    2. Syria
    3. There were 10,000 people per protest and President Bashar Al Assad used chemical weapons.
    4. Bashar Al Assad because he was the president and he used chemical weapons against the Sunnis
    5. Millions of people had to flee the country, and there are 6.8 million refugees.