
Ivan Turgenev

  • Birth of Ivan Turgenev

    Turgenev was born in Orel.Baptized fourth of November.
  • In 15 Turgenev comes to verbal faculty

    In 15 Turgenev comes to verbal faculty
    He studied at the beginning of the future writer in the guesthouse Veydengammera.Then became a boarder at the Lazarev Institute Director JF Krause
  • The first publication of Turgenev

    The first publication of Turgenev
    In the "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education," he published a detailed review "On a journey to holy places".By 1837 he had written about a hundred small poems and several poems.At the same time, Turgenev graduated
  • Flowering of creativity

    Flowering of creativity
    C1847 and 1848 were written story "Polecat and Kalinych", "Notes of a Hunter." In 1848 he lived in Paris, where he became a witness to the revolutionary events.
  • Returning to Russia, and his mother's death

    Returning to Russia, and his mother's death
    In 1850 Turgenev returned to Russia, but with his mother, who died in the same year, he did not see. Together with his brother Nicholas, he shared a large state of the mother and, if possible, try to get to him to alleviate the hardships of the peasants.
  • Reference native village

    Reference native village
    In 1850-1852 he lived in Russia, then abroad, met with Nikolai Gogol. After the death of Gogol, Turgenev wrote an obituary, which did not miss Petersburg censorship.May 18 Turgenev deported to his native village, and only thanks to the efforts of Count Tolstoy in two years the writer has again received the right to live in the capitals.In 1852, while still in exile in the Spassky-Lutovinovo wrote became a textbook story "Mumu"
  • Last years of life

    Last years of life
    Last years of life Turgenev became his stardom in Russia, where the writer has once again become a universal favorite, and in Europe, where the best critics of the time (H. Taine, Renan, E., G. Brandes, etc.) ranked it as the first century writers.In the spring of 1882 showed the first signs of the disease, soon proved fatal to Turgenev
  • Death of a great man

    Death of a great man
    The confrontation between the "unimaginably painful ailment and incredibly strong body" ended August 22 1883.Turgenev's death became a great shock to his admirers, to express in a very impressive funeral. Funeral preceded funeral celebrations in Paris, which was attended by over four hundred people.