Nov 11, 610
Calling from God
When Muhammad was meditating in a cave, Hira, Gabriel came to speak to him. Gabriel revealed the Quran to Muhammad. Thus, the start of Islam began. As Muhammad spread the idea of Islam in Mecca, merchants were angiered for this religion could affect thier trade. Therefore, the people of Mecca decided to chase out Muhammad and his few follwers out of the city. With nowhere to go, Muhammad and his follwers make a hijra to Medina, where his thoughts of Islam were widely accepted. -
Jun 21, 622
Muhammad's Hijra
Oce Muhammad began to spread his new religion, the merchants in Mecca were angry at Muhammad. The merchants thought that Muhammad's ideas would affect trade. Instead of being civilized, the merchants decided to excommunicate Muhammad from Mecca. With nowhere to go, Muhammad and his few followers soon made a journey to Medina that was known as hijra. Muhammad and his followers soon migrated to Medina, where his new ideas were widely accepted. The people of Medina soon became Islam. -
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad's death
Muhammad was thought to be a prophet from God. When Muhammad died, an up-roar between the Sunni and Shi'a occurred. The two groups were arguing whether a Muslim citizen should lead or a decendent should lead. The Sunni believed that a Muslim citizen should be able to lead while the Shi'as believed that a decendent of Muhammad should lead. -
Jun 8, 632
The split of Sunni and Shi'a
Once Muhammad died, a huge debate of whether a Muslim citizen or a decendent of Muhammad should be the next leader or caliph. The Sunni beleved that a Muslim Citizen should be able to be the next caliph while the Shi'a believed that the caliph should be a decendent of Muhammad. The Shi'as followed a line of Imams to choose the next caliph. -
Period: Jun 8, 632 to Aug 23, 634
Abu Bakr
After Nuhammad died, Abu Bakr was nominated to be the next caliph. As caliph, Abu Bakr was great at political functions. As a young man, Abu Bakr would trade a lot with neighboring lands in the Middle East, gaining wealth and experience. When making his trip back home, Abu Bakr was informed that he was going to be the next caliph and soon converted to Islam. -
Period: Nov 11, 656 to Nov 11, 661
Muhammad Ali
Ali was the son-in-law of Muhammad. Muhammad stated to Ali that God had ordered him to give his daughter, Fatimah, to Ali in marriage. After the assassination of the third caliph, Ali was appointed the next caliph. During his reign, Ali was encountered with a lot of civil war and defiance. Ali was attacked and killed during a morning prayer in the mosque of Kufa. -
Period: Nov 11, 661 to Nov 11, 750
Umayya Dynasty
The Umayyad Dynasty was the first Muslim Dynasty to rule the empire of the Caliphate. The Umayyads were large family of merchants of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. They did not convert to Islam until 627 CE. The Umayyad Dynasty soon broke up into two branches. Under the control of Abd al-Malik, the Umayyad Dynasty conquered most of spain in the west and invaded India. -
Nov 11, 750
The fall of the Umayyad Dynasty
The Umayyad Dynasty soon came to an end when the Abbasid family decided to challenge them. The decline of the Umayyad dynasty started by the defeat of the Byzantine Empire. Soon after, the Umayyad Dynasty was weakened, followed by failed financial reforms. The Abbasid family saw their opportunity and ended up being victorious. -
Nov 12, 750
The Rise of Abbasids
When the Umayyad Dynasty was weakeed, the Abbasid Dynasty saw their opportunity to over throw the Umayyad Dynasty. The Abbasid Dynasty ened up being victorious. The Abbasid Dynasty centered their government in Kufa. The Abbasid Dynasty after founded Baghdad. -
Period: Nov 12, 750 to Nov 12, 1258
The fall of the Abbasid Empire
Sadly, the Abbasid Dynasty came to an end. there were numerous reasons why the dynasty fell such as: conflicct with the Shi'a and conflict of Army Generals. Abbisad Dynasty sided with the Sh'a but soon changed to Sunni due to the conversion to Islam. Also, the Army generals stopped paying to the Calophate; thus, the Abbasid Dynasty fell. -
Period: Nov 12, 750 to Nov 12, 1258
Abbasid Dynasty move their capital
At first, the Abbasid Dynasty centered their capital in Kufa but soon centered their capital in Baghdad. They moved their capital to Baghadad because they had an reliance on Persian bureaucrats to govern the territories conquered by Arab Muslims. -
Period: Nov 12, 1096 to Nov 12, 1099
The First Crusade
The First Crusade was sought as an expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain control of the Holy Lands taken during Muslim conquest. many knights and peasants traveled from nations in Western Europe overseas to Constantinople then to Jerusalem. When they landed in Jerusalem, they attacked the city and conquered it in 1099, killing many Muslims, Christians, and Jewish inhabitants. -
House of Wisdom
The House of Wisdom was a library institute and reearch center settled in Abbasid-era Baghdad. It was important for translating forign language. The House of Wisdom was founded by Caliph Harun as-Rashid.