C1 2338083


  • 570

    Muhammad, the prophet

    Muhammad, the prophet
    Muhammad was born in 570. His parents died when he was very young, was raised by his uncle. The angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad and tell he "You were the new prophet"
  • 622


    Muhammad fled to the city of Medina.
    This event is called the hijra and marks the begining of the islamic calendar.
  • Period: 622 to 846

    The expansion of islam

    In the 7th century, the muslims faced the Byzantine Empire and conquered Syria, Egypt, and part of the Persian Empire.
    During the 8th century the muslims besieged Constantinople twice, without being able to conquered it.
    They also conquered the Berber in north Africa an Iberian peninsula in 718 and attacked the frankish in the battle of Poitiers in 732.
  • 632

    The death of muhammad

    The death of muhammad
    Muhammad died in 632. By this time most arabs were muslim and the arabian peniansula had been politically unified.
  • 661

    The organisation of caliphate

    The organisation of caliphate
    During the midle age, the goverment and organisation of the islamic empire
    who ruled between 632-661 chosen from muhammad family members, this created a divide between the muslims:
    Shia: the capital should be a direct descenden of Muhammad.
    Sunnis: stressed, important of sunnah (tradicional muslim laws) be chosen from the most devout believers.
  • 661


    Dynasty from Syria seired power (661-750) capital is Damascus. They led a great expansion, conquen: Iberian peninsula and others regions, have a crisis.
  • 711

    The weakness of the Visigothic monarchy

    The weakness of the Visigothic monarchy
    At the begining of the 8th century, Visigothic monarchy that ruled Hispania was in deep crisis.
    The monarchy was also discredited and rivalries to the throne had caused clashes between the nobility.
    A war broke out between thos loyal to a hereditary monarchy, who sopported Achila son of a king Wittiza and supporters of and elective monarchy, who fought for Roderic. Supporters of Achila asked the muslim governor of Tunisia for help in beating Roderic.
  • 711

    The military conquest

    The military conquest
    In 711 a muslims army, led by Tariq and Musa, crossed from N.Africa and defeated the Visigoths in the Battle of Gadalete Rodrigo died.
    The conquest of the iberian.P was fast because there was few resitance from local population
  • 718

    Pact of submission

    Pact of submission
    The iberian.P was conquered but in Cantabrian mountains the Christians resistance will beging( Kindom of asturias)
  • 718

    The dependent emirate

    The dependent emirate
    After the military conquest, Al-Andalus became a province or emirate that was dependent on the Umayyad Caliph of Damascus.
  • 750


    Dynasty defect umayyasd and took over Cliphate (750-1258) moving he capital Baghdad. Daving this period some provinces.
  • 756

    The independent emirate

    The independent emirate
    In 750,the caliphs in Damascus were overthrown by the Abbasid of Baghdad.The last member of thr Umayyad family. Prince Abd al-Rahman, fled to Al-Andalus in 756.
    He broke away from the Baghad Caliphate declared himself an independent emir under the name of Abd al-Rahman I and founded the Umayyad Emirate of Córdoba
  • 929

    Caliphate of Córdoba

    Caliphate of Córdoba
    Abderraman III founded it (political and religius independent)
    It was the golden age of AL -Andalus: economic property,cultural, devolpment, art,...
  • 1031

    The taifa kindom

    The taifa kindom
    Al-Andalus dided into samll and weak kindom.
    Almoravids in the 11th century
    Almohads and Battle of Novas de Tolosa (1212)
  • 1248

    The Nasrid

    The Nasrid
    Payment of taxex to Castilla (parias)
    Conquest of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs (1492)
  • 1453


    In 1453 conquered Costantinople, this event marck he end of Middle Age.