

  • Period: 500 BCE to 622

    Muhamad life and the origins of Islam

    In Mecca city Muhammad worked with a shepherd.
    He believed in a spiritual lifestyle and enjoy listen to the stories about Abraham and Jesus.
    He meditated in the Hiram mountain and Angel Gabriel told him that he was the prophet of Islam around the world and transcrip 6323 verses how a mandatory of Allah.
  • 622

    Muhammad left the Mecca

    Muhammad left the Mecca
    Started the 0° year according their calendar.
    Created a military army to spread Islam.
  • 630

    First war in honour to Allah

    Muhammad commanded an army and they attack Mecca and conquered the city.
  • 632

    Muhammad died

    Muhammad died
    The community faced a crissis because the lacked a leader.
    Abu- Bakr became in the first caliph-successor and create a new tipe of goverment was called caliphate. For the sake of Islam, Abu-Bakr invoked "jihad" that means "striving" and armed, violence justify the expansion of islam.
  • 634

    The muslim state controlled all of Arabia.

    The muslim state controlled all of Arabia.
    Umar was the second caliph and the muslims armies conquered Syria and lower Egypt which were part of byzantine empire.
    The next emperors:
    Uthman- continued to expand muslim territory.
  • 661

    Ali (the last caliph) was assasinet.

    Ali (the last caliph) was assasinet.
    Started the crissis.
    Umayyads family came to power and moved the muslim capital to Damascus.
    Wealth, ceremony- non muslim rulers gave rise to a fundamental division in the muslim community.
  • 662

    Sunni an shi'a split

    Sunni an shi'a split
    The belief in the Allah, Muhammad, the Qu'ran and the complement text-Sunna.
    The belief about Allah, Muhammad and Qu'ran-Shi'ites.
    In the interest of peace, the majority of muslims accepted the Umayyads rule However a minority continued to resist.
  • 750

    Abbasids came to power-Sunni

    Abbasids came to power-Sunni
    Rebel groups attack the Umayyads
    Andalus-Ummayyad family escaped.
  • 1258

    The rise of the empire. Abbasids consolidate power-Shi'ites

    The rise of the empire. Abbasids consolidate power-Shi'ites
    The abbasids moved the capital of the empire in 762 to Baghdad in central Iraq.
    The location on key trade routes gave the caliph access to trade, goods,gold.
    He declared descendants of Muhammad.
    The rise of the empire.