
By Arlon_w
  • 1126 BCE

    Life of Ibn Rushd

    He followed Aristotle in seeking to articulate a purely rational understanding of the world. His work helped shape Islamic philosophy and found its way into schools and universities.
  • 1058 BCE

    Life of al-Ghazali

    Argued that human reason was too frail to understand the nature of Allah and hence could not explain the mysteries of the world.
  • 786 BCE

    Reign of Harun al-Rashid

    The high point of the Abbasid dynasty the reign of Harun came. The empire remained strong. After his reign the empire started to decline.
  • 750 BCE

    Abbasid dynasty

    State was far more cosmopolitan than its predecessors. Instead of conquering lands the Abbasid's largely contented themselves with administering the empire they inherited.
  • 661 BCE

    Umayyad dynasty

    Ranked among the most prominent of the Meccan merchant clans their reputation and network of alliances helped them bring stability to the Islamic community.
  • 650 BCE

    Compilation of the Quran

    During the early 6502 devout Muslims compiled written versions of Muhammad's revelations and issued them into a Quran (recitation)
  • 632 BCE

    Muhammad's Hajj

    Saw themselves as supreme leaders of a cohesive Islamic community, a matter of policy they sought to enhance the cultural unity of their realm.
  • 622 BCE

    The Hijra

    The move to Medina the Hijra meaning migration by Muhammad
  • 570 BCE

    Life of Muhammad

    Started off as nomadic bedouin herder and merchant. Born into family of merchants in Mecca. Early life was difficult with both parents dead at a young age