Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Islam in the UK
First Englishman converts to Islam
Somtime during the 16th century, John Nelson became the first recorded Englishman to convert to Islam. This is in a book called "The Voyage" made to Tripoli -
A 1641 document refers to "a sect of Mahomatens" being "discovered here in London". There were also a few conversions to Islam during the period, and a few years later, in 1649, came the first English version of the Qur'an, by Alexander Ross. Since the Qur'an was now in English, those in England would be able to actually read what Islam preaches and can open the door to many more to convert into Islam -
Muslims Arrive
Approximately 300 years ago, large groups of Muslims began to immigrate to Britian. Since people from India were recruited to be sailors for the East India Trading Company, a lot of Muslim communities were found in port towns. -
More Muslims Arrive
The next wave of Muslim immigration to Britain followed the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. The increase in trade caused a demand for men to work in ports and on ships. Since Muslim communities were strong and larger near ports, it is not surprising that the Islams came as sailors and lived in those towns. -
Abdullah Quilliam
Abdullah Quilliam was born William Henry Quilliam was the first Englishman to convert to Islam during the Victorian Era. He embraced Islam after a trip to Morocco. He claimed that he was the first native Englishman to convert to Islam, thus fueling the growth for Islam during Victorian Era England. -
Faith of Islam
In July of 1889, Quilliam published a pamphlet called "Faith of Islam". This pamphlet helped in the growth of the Institute by 200 people in the community as well as hundreds more in the UK embracing Islam -
Protest against play "Mahomet"
Muslims successfully organized a protest against the play "Mahomet" by Hall Caine. -
Abdullah Quilliam-Sheikh-ul-Islam
In 1894, Sultun Abduhl Hamid II, the last Ottoman Caliph appointed Abdullah Quilliam to be the Sheikh-ul-Islam for the British Isles. He was recognized by many Islamic leaders and by the media as a prominent spokesperson for Islam in Britian. Quilliam helped to convert about 600 people to Islam in England. -
First Mosque of Britain
The first mosque of Britain was open in 1895 by Quilliam. He purchased the rights to the lands of 8 Broughham Terrace. -
Medina House
Quilliam opened up the first mosque in Liverpool and then later purchased the rest of the property the mosque was on to open up an orphanage for non-Muslim children. To me, this is Quilliam's display of the Five Pillars of Islam and how they are to help those who are less fortunate then they are. An he wanted to help everyone, no matter what their religion was. He knew when people needed help and helped them. The school also offered classes and education for Muslim and non-Muslim children. -
Quilliam Passes away
In 1932, Quilliam passed away and had an Islamic burial. -
Abdullah Quilliam Society
Originally used created as a charity by a small group of Muslims in LIverpool. They plan to restore the original Mosque and to reopen it soon. -
UK Census
In 2011, Islam was listed as the second largest religion in the United Kingdom.