Period: to
Immigration Timeline
House Robbed
Laszlo Morvay was an 18 year old hungarian man. He had a decent house and a well-paying job. On January 31, 1870 the buisness he worked for had to close because they werent making enough money. When Laszlo got he saw his house had been robbed and lost everything worth anything that had value. With nothing left to live for in hungary he decided to move to America. -
Boat Ride
With the little money Laszlo bought a ticket on a boat to america. America was the place with the most oppertunity so that is where he went. -
Ellis Island
After his long boat ride Laszlo had finally made it to Ellis Island. He passed the medical exam but had to stay one night there because there were so many other people trying to get into the US. While he was there he ate strange food and saw many people be sent back to there home countries. Luckily Laszlo was able to through without any trouble. -
Sweat Shop
When Laszllo made it past Ellis Island he took the first job he could find in New York. He would sew clothes all day for little pay. The workig conditions were horrible too. There were exposed floor boards and pipes. Worst of all it was very hot. -
Wants To Move West
While walking to his horrible job, Laszlo saw an advertisement for cheap land in the west. After seeing the add he starts saving money so he can start a new life in the west. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
When the Chinese Exclusion act was passed Laszlo knew it was a great time to start searching for good way to move west. Without the chinese immigrants there would be less people to compete for jobs with. -
Building Railroads
Laszlo gets a job building railroads that lead west. He was able to get this job because there were less chinease immigrants that would be able to take the job. -
Works On a Farm
Laszlo worked in the Railroad until it was completed. Instead of heading back to the east coast with the rest of the people there, he stayed in the west and worked on a fram so he could learn how to start his own farm one day. -
Buys a Farm
Laszlo Bane used the money he had raised to buy his own farm. He had enough experience from working on a fram before so he was confident. -
Has A Family
A little after a year after Laszlo bought his farm, he had gotten married. Soon after they decided to have kids. Laszlo Bane spent the rest of his life wealthy with a great family.