Jan 1, 610
Quarnic Revelations
The Quarnic Revelations are the messages that Muhammad got from the god Allah which he used to start Muslim faith. -
Period: Jan 1, 610 to
Islam Time Line
Jan 1, 622
First Islamic state made
Constitution of Medina established the first Islamic state. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad Dies
Jan 1, 633
Riddah Wars
The Riddah Wars were when Abu Bakr violently made all ex-muslims become muslims agian. -
Jan 1, 634
Abu Bakr declared war on the Byzantine Empire
He declared war to take over more land and convert more people to Islam. -
Jan 1, 652
Quran gets Finished
The Quran is the holy book of Islam -
Jan 1, 656
Ali became head of the Muslim state.
Ali was a leader, much like Muhammad. -
Jan 1, 661
Ali Died.
Jan 1, 661
Start of the Umayyad Empire
The dynasty lasted until 750. -
Dome of the Rock Built
This structure took a year to build.