Early Settlement of Brazil

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Earliest Communities

    Earliest Communities
    The earliest known communities were thought to have lived in what is now considered Brazil. The people there at the time were thought to have been nomadic people from Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Pirate Invasions

    Pirate Invasions
    Pirates conduct invasions of the land in search of brazilwood. These raids continue into the 1600s.
  • Jan 1, 1530

    Portuguese Expedition

    Portuguese Expedition
    The Portuguese sent an exploratory expedition to Brazil in response to a French threat.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Diseases Spread

    Diseases Spread
    Diseases spread through the villages, killing many of the indigenous people.
  • Siezed by the Dutch

    Siezed by the Dutch
    The Dutch take control of the land to utilize the sugar supply. The Dutch were then defeated 16 years later and they fled.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    Brazil gained independence from Portugal. This is important because it took away the outside control over their country and allowed them to plan their own future.
  • No More Slavery

    No More Slavery
    Slavery is abolished in Brazil. This is important because it opened the labor market to a broader immigration field.
  • No More Monarchy

    No More Monarchy
    The Brazilian monarchy was overthrown and the country became a federal republic. This was an important step in their independence
  • Separation of Church and State

    Separation of Church and State
    Church and State become separate in Brazil. This is important because it became a strong premice in future government policies.
  • Moving of the Capital

    Moving of the Capital
    The capital of Brazil is moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. This is important because they moved it towards the center of the country so it would be more protected in the case of an invasion.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The new constitution of Brazil is created. This is important because it reduced the powers of the president.
  • Woman as President

    Woman as President
    Dilma Rousseff is elected as the first female president of Brazil. This is important because it is a major shit for a Latin American country to place a woman in a position of that much power.