0110 csaboundry


  • Steel Plow Invention

    Steel Plow Invention
    The Steel Plow was invented by John Deere, in Grand Detour, Illinois. This made planting more efficient, and easier. Wood tools could not plow through the tough soil without breaking, the steel fixed the problem. This was the first of many tools that were created for farming. This helped farms to support the country with crops.
  • Steel Plow Invention

    The Steel Plow was very important. It made plowing soil much easier for farmers. It sliced through heavy soil better than any other tool. It helped the farming industry to grow and develop. Now a days farming is not as challenging because all of these tools were invented.
  • Oil Drilled

    Oil Drilled
    Edwin L. Drake drilled oil with a steam engine for the first time in 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Soon oil mining became very practical. This event spread to Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and eventually Texas. Industries in oil-refining began to be created in Cleveland, and Pittsburg. Gasoline was also used from this oil. Since the automobile was invented shortly after, oil became more important.
  • Oil Drilled

    Oil Drilling was very important for the country. Now a days cars are used everywhere. Without oil and gasoline cars would not run. That is a very important form of transportation, as well as air planes. Oil is one of America's main forms of energy. Without it many things would not be the same today.
  • Reconstruction

    After the Civil War, the United States began to rebuild. Also the government had to bring the south back into the Union because of their Confederate defeat. The policy for reconstruction was proposed by Abraham Lincoln, called the Ten Percent Plan. The southern state had the opportunity to be readmitted to the Union if ten percent of prewar voters swore allegiance to the Union. They would have to elect new state officials, and change their state constitution to completely abolish slavery.
  • Reconstrution

    This event is extremely important because World War One destroyed the states, and the United States had to get it back together. Blacks were now free for the first time ever, and that is a huge change. So now their lives were improving; they were making their own churches, they were attending public schools, which they were denied before the war. They could now take part in politics; they could vote and even hold office. It’s important that African Americans can now be part of society.
  • Typewriter Invention

    Typewriter Invention
    Christopher Sholes invented the typewriter. This invention changed the world of work incredibly. This invention affected office work and women had new opportunities to find jobs. By 1910 about 40 percent of women took care of clerical work. That is 35 percent more than it was in 1870.
  • Typewriter Invention

    The invention of the typewriter was very important. It opened up an entire new work force for women. They now had a new opportunity for jobs which they had never had before. From the typewriter the computer and the keyboard were invented. Those both had a big impact on human lives because it made it easier to write papers, documents and many other things. Writing by hand was eliminated, and typing took over. Writing was also faster and much easier to read.
  • U.S Buying Alaska

    U.S Buying Alaska
    William Sweard, who was the Secretary of State under President Lincoln. He arranged for Alaska to be bought in 1867. The country bought it from Russia for $7.2 million. It wasn't easy for him to persuade the House of Representatives to fund the purchase. Once it was bought time showed that it was worth it, because the land was rich in minerals, timber, and oil.
  • U.S. buying Alaska

    The purchase of Alaska was very important. It increased the size of the country by almost 20 percent. Also, there was gold discoveries found, and an oil source. If Alaska was not purchased the country would not have 50 states, and the size would be much smaller. The purchase changed the United States greatly and helped to acquire many different important recourses.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Finished

    Transcontinental Railroad Finished
    The Transcontinental Railroad was a railroad line that linked Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the United States. On May 10, 1869 crowds cheered as Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads connected. They met in Promontoary, Utah. Now there is a golden spike marking that spot of the country's first continental railroad. Soon more transcontinental lines were created, and the United States had more track.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Finished

    This railroad was very important to the United States. Primarily it was the first railroad to go from coast to coast across the country. Railroad is a big source of transportation. With this railroad line its easier for products to travel. Even today this railroad line is used, and products are still transported by the use of this railroad.
  • Telephone Invented

    Telephone Invented
    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Bell said the words "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you." The sound was heard from down the hall way from transmitted electricity. Thomas Watson, Bell's assistant, heard the first words said through the new invention. As young 22 and 29 year olds, this invention lead them to lots of fame and fortune.
  • Telephone Invented

    The telephone is an extremely important invention because it allows a way for a worldwide communication network. Without the telephone, communication would be a lot more difficult. With this invention people can talk to others who live far away almost instantly. Now a very large percent of people have a cell phone or some kind of telephone in their house. Without this invention America would certainly not be the same.
  • Light Bulb Invention

    Light Bulb Invention
    Thomas Alva Edison created the incandescent light bulb. He was a pioneer in the industrial frontier. He created the worlds first research lab in New Jersey. A filament piece of Japanease carbonized bamboo was used for the lamp to work. These were used up until 1911, and we now use tungsten filaments.
  • Light Bulb Invention

    The light bulb was a very important invention for the United States. Even today light is used every where 24 hours a day. It replaced using candles and oil lamps. It made lighting up things more efficient and lots easier. Also nothing has replaced light, so with out it the US would struggle.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    This Act was created to help Native Americans achieve their U.S citizenship. It divided property into 160 and 180 acre lots that were distributed to members of the tribe. After 25 years of being responsible farmers on the land, they would own it completly. This also helped to support assimilation. Which was when Native Americans would try to become part of white culture by giving up their own beliefs and their own way of life.
  • Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act is very important because Native Americans were not being treated fairly. It supported their rights, and helped them immensly to become U.S. citizens. Also, the expansion helped for railroad development in the country.As well as timber companies. Since Choctaw, and the Chickasaw tribes allied with the Confederacy during the Civil War it was important to treat them fairly. This helped to build a relationship with the Native Americans.
  • Skyscrapers invented

    Skyscrapers invented
    Louis Sullivan designed a ten story building in Saint Louis. Thanks to the invention of the elevator, and the steel skeletons, the buildings could handle the weight. Also Daniel Burnham desined the Flat Iron building in New York. It was 285 feet tall. These building served as a symbol for a rich and optimistic society.
  • Skyscraper Invented

    The Skyscraper was a very important invention. It allowed cities to use the most out of their limited and expensive space. So, more buildings could be constructed in a smaller amount of space. Without these buildings cities wouldn't be the same. They would look much differnet, especially cities like NYC, and Chicago.
  • Education Expanding

    Education Expanding
    Children started attending school at a younger age. The number of Kindergartens raised greatly to 3,000 in 1900. Soon public school systems added Kindergartens to their programs. Also by 1900 more than half a million students were taking part in high school. The schools began provided other cources like science, civics, and social studies. These classes and others prepared male graduates for industrial jobs, and femals for office work.
  • Education Expanding

    Education Expanding is very important for the country. Children were beginning to be educated at a younger age. High schoolers were able to prepare for their future lives. Its very important for kids to be educated throughout their entire childhood so they can grow up and be sucessful. All of this expansion made this possible. Now a day children start very young in pre school, all the way up to their graduation in high school. Even today its very important to be educated to be sucessful.
  • First Sucessful Flight

    First Sucessful Flight
    Orville and Wilbur Wright created a glider It consisted of a four-cylinder combustion engine, a propeller. The first flight was on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The flight wnt 120 feet and was airborn for 12 seconds. There flights were increased by 24 miles in two years. The United States created the first transcontinental airmail service in 1920.
  • First Sucessful Flight

    The airplane is a very important invention in U.S. history. Now tranportation was much easier, and much faster. It created a different way to get across seas, that was quicker. Without this invention people would not travel as much. Now its more efficient and its easier to travel long distances.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    This Act was a law that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers. It also created a federal meat-inspection program. President Roosevelt read the book, "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. This book explained the disgusting conditions of the meat industry, and opened the publics eyes about this probelm. Roosevelt responded to the public by appointing a commission of experts to examine the industry. They also said that the conditions were gross. So Roosevelt passed this law.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    The Meat Inspection Act was very important because the condtions of the meat packing industry were disgusting. Also, the food wasn't pure and safe to eat. People would never know what they were reall getting, or if their meat had been contaminated. This act made it clear that that was no longer going to occur. Some people were worried about having health risks like getting E. Coli bacteria, or mad cow disease. Now nobody should have to worry about those risks.
  • Seventeenth Amendment

    Seventeenth Amendment
    This Amendment said that the election of senetors of the US would be by the people. Before this states legislatures chose the US senators. This gave a lot of power to corporation heads. The Senate did not like this idea of people voting at first, but soon more and more states were allowing the people to vote on this election. So as a result of this Congress passed this amendment.
  • Seventeenth Amendment

    This Amendment was very important for the US Constitution. The voice of the people was increased. People now had a say in electing in their legislatures, and creating laws. This was also important because it drew attention to women suffrage. The country would not be the same without people having a large say in what happens.
  • Federal Reserve System Created

    Federal Reserve System Created
    President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 that created the Federal Reserve System. This was the created to be the main banking system of the United States. Also it was created to keep the economic structure stable and secure, and to maintain the amount of money in the economy. The country was divided into 12 reserve districts all with their own central bank. This system could also print new paper money if there was an emergency situation.
  • Federal Reserve System Created

    This is a very important system because even today it acts as the nations banking system. Its very important to keep prices stable in the economy. Also it helped the economy to grow because buisnesses could have more profit. Money in the county is stable because of this system, and that helps to prevent inflation. Thanks to this system it is easier for the economy to stay stable, and that helps for more jobs to be permanent.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia. Ferdinand was next in line for the Austira-Hungary throne. They were traveling around a parade route in an open vehical when they were shot. The assassins were a Serbian terrorist group called the Serbian Black Hand Society. The Austrain government tracked down the seven terrorists and concluded that they were associated with Serbia. From there Austria declared war on Serbia, and World War One began.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    This event is extremely important because it was one of the main causes of World War One. If Ferdinand would not have been assasinated Austria would not have been angered. They may not have ever declared war on Serbia. It lead to Austria also declaring war on Russia, and Germany declaring war France. After, Germany invaded Belgium, Britian declared war on Germany and Austria Hungary. Things happened all at once, and the unforgettable war started.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The canal is 51 miles, with six pairs of locks that are used to raise and lower ships.The United States had to have permission from Colombia to start the construction of the canal. On November 3, 1903 the United States had twelve warships go to Panama to rebell for the property. The U.S. signed a treaty with Panamas that said they agreed to pay $10 million plus $250,000 for anual rent for the land where the canal zone. In the first year more than 1,000 merchant ships passed through it.
  • Panama Canal

    The Panama Canals construction was very important to the United States. It cut tons of time for war and commercial ships to travel. Now it acts as a shortcut between the the Atlatic and Pacific Oceans. Trading was also made easier and faster with this canal. Now the United States could get its products much more efficiently.
  • Lusitania

    This was a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German submarine. 1,198 lives were now gone, and 128 of them were American. The United States was infuriated by Germany because of how many our our people they killed. So now the entire country did not like Germany or the Central Powers. This tragety lead to Woodrow Wilson's desision to declare war.
  • Lusitania

    This event was very important because it lead to the United States desision to declare war in World War One. If the Germans would not have sunk this ship, and killed so many innocent people America may have never joined the war. This War was a devastation. The unhearted German decesions lead to all the lives lost, and this was certainly one of those decesions. So it is for sure Germanys fault that the United States joined war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This was a peace agreement between Germany, and the Allies of World War One. It established nine new nations, and changed other nations boundries. It also said that Germany was being held responsible for the war, it limited their military, and took alot of its land. The Leage of Nations was also created. World War One basically ended because of this treaty.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles is very important because it created peace between Allies and Germany after World War One. The was was a long war, that killed many. When the treaty was signed it ended the madness. The Leage of Nations is also important because it provided nations with the ability to discuss problems before settling on war. This Leage prevented future wars and created peace between many countries.
  • Ninteenth Amendment.

    This amendment was very important because it stressed equal rights. In America women had not been treated fairley, and men had many more opportunities, like voting. This allowed women to have a say in the government that they have never had before. Before this was passed America was sexist, and its important that that was abolished. Now it was more fair for women in the country, and lots womens hard work payed off.
  • Ninteenth Amendment

    Ninteenth Amendment
    The ninteenth amendment allowed women to vote. The Seneca Falls convention in 1848 was the first place women had demanded to vote. That shows how much effort and time it took for this amendment to take place. The reason that this was passed was that many patriotic women during World War I helped out. They headed committees, knitted socks for soilders, and sold liberty bonds. Their reward for this action and support for the war was this amendment.