
By drags
  • 2300 BCE


    Hinduism has no founder but it's a fusion of various beliefs. It's a combination of many traditions and philosophies. The Indo-Aryan people migrated to the Indus valley, and their language/culture merged with the language and culture of the indigenous people living there. Hinduism then began to appear. According to History.com it states that unlike other religion, Hinduism has no founder but instead a fusion of various beliefs this shows that Hinduism is made of many traditions and philosophies.
  • 1700 BCE


    emerged from the belief of the people known as Israel. Judaism later went from being a religion mainly practiced in and around Israel to a religion being practiced for beyond Israel due to the exile and forced dispersal of Jews. It also evolved from being a religions centered in religious practice in the two great temple, to rabbinic Judaism, religious worship and education in synagogues. According to edu.gov, it stats "to one practiced in lands beyond due to exile and forced dispersal of Jews".
  • 5 BCE


    After Gautama Passed away around 483 BC, His followers began to organize a religious movement. His teachings soon became the foundation for Buddhism. In the 3rd century, Ashoka the Great (the Mauryan Indian emperor) made Buddhism the state religion of India. Over the centuries Buddhism began it spread beyond just India. According to History.com, it states “ when Gautama Passed away around 483 BC, His followers began to organize a religious movement."
  • 1 BCE


    Christianity began after Jesus died who was said to have been resurrected. It started as a small group of Jewish people in judea, it then spread quickly throughout the roman empire, if later became the state religion. According to History.com, it states “when the Holy spirit was said to descend onto Jesus's followers.” This shows that after Jesus’s death his followers began a small group and spread his wisdom throughout the roman empire.
  • 610


    When Muhammad reached the age of 40, it was said that Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel. He was told to call his people to worship one god but they refused and they persecuted him and his followers. Muhammad and his followers decided to migrate to the nearby town of Yathrib where the people there accepted Islam.
  • 610

    Islam 2

    Later on Muhammad returned to mecca with a larger group of followers. Soon the city and those that once persecuted him finally accepted the religion. Islam later began spread to the rest of the world. According to History.com, it states Gabriel ordered Muhammad to recite the words of god” This proves that the angel Gabriel went to Muhammad and told him to spread the words of Allah