Areen Elkali P.7

By AreenE
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2

    1 For Hindus, some religious places are, Varnasi, a river that erases your wrongs, and Bwarka, where they pass on to the spirit life.
    2The fundamental beliefs of Hinduism are in Brahama, who is similar to the king of the gods, they also believe in Karma and Reincarnation.
    3 Some holidays celebrated by Hindus are DiIwali that celebrates good over evil, and holi, the festival of color.
    4One conflict is the partition of India, when India split, British left and India had to establish a government.
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 1

    1. Hinduism is dominant in India and southern asia. 2.15% of the world is made up of Hindus. 3.Their holy book is The Vedas.
    2. Their religious symbol is the Aom.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism Part 2

    1. For Jews, a sacred place is Jerusalem because it was the holiest city in 10th century B.C.E.
    2. Jews fundamental beliefs are God is one, has no form. He created the world, he is eternal and still actively involved in world affairs, the ten commandments/bar mitzvah.
    3. They celebrate Yom kipper, Hanukkah, and Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year)
    4. One conflict is the Holocaust where the Nazis Germany started to kill Jews. They were killed because of their beliefs and because they looked different.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism Part 1

    1. 41% of Jews live in the U.S and 41% in Israel. The rest are scattered across the world.
    2. 0.2% of today's population embrace Judaism.
    3. Judaisms holy book is The Torah.
    4. The religious symbol of Judaism is The Star of David.
  • 623 BCE

    Buddhism part 1

    1. This religion is most dominant in Asian countries such as China, Myanmar etc.
    2. 7% of the world practices this religion.
    3. This religions holy book is The Tripitaka.
    4. The religious symbol associated with Buddhism is the Darmachakra.
  • 623 BCE

    Buddhism part 2

    1. Some religious places for Buddhists are Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, and Kushinagar parnidana. They are religious because that is where Buddha was born,enlightened, had his first sermon, and his final resting place. 2.The fundamental beliefs of this religion are The Noble Truths and to reach enlightenment. 3.Some specific holidays are Vesak. 4.One conflict is Genocide in Myanmar. A. The Buddhists decided to kick out all the Muslims in Myanmar.
  • 510 BCE

    Islam part 2

    1. For us Muslims, a holy location is Mecca and Medina where our Prophet Muhammad PBUH lived most of his life, also Ghar Thor which is the cave in which he received his first Quranic verse.
    2. Muslims believe that God is one and has no equals he is the all knowing and most merciful he created us to worship him. We also believe in the five pillars of Islam and the ten commandments.
    3. Some holidays we celebrate are Eid ul adha, and Eid ul fitr (Sacrificing for god,celebrating our partience)
  • 510 BCE

    Islam part 3

    1. One conflict is the Crusades which is when the Muslim empire grew and the Christians wanted the power Muslims had so they stated massacres and tried to get that power but the Muslims won.
  • 510 BCE

    Islam Part 1

    1. Islam is dominant in North Africa and West Asia but they can be found almost anywhere.
    2. 23% of the world practices Islam.
    3. Our holy book is the Quran.
    4. Our symbol is the star and crescent moon and it represents peace and obedience.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity Part 1

    1. Almost everywhere except most parts of Northern Africa and India.
    2. 32% of today's population practices Christianity.
    3. Their holy book is The Bible.
    4. The religious symbol associated with Christianity is The Cross.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity Part 2

    1. For Christians, a holy place is Jerusalem. It is sacred because it was where Jesus was born.
    2. The fundamental beliefs of this religion is that Jesus is God or The son of God. They also believe in the Holy spirit, The Trinity and God's teachings.
    3. Some holidays celebrated by Christians are Christmas, Easter, Advent, Good Friday, and Ash Wednesday.
    4. One conflict in Christian History is the Crusades. a.They were fighting because they wanted to have power over Islam.