Ancient Roman Rulers

  • Julius Caesar Becomes Ruler

    46-44. He was assaninated shortly after declaring himself emperor for life.
  • Octavian/Augustus Becomes Ruler

    Octavian is the adopted son of Julius Caesar. After Julius' death, him and Marc Antony worked together to kill those that killed Julius.
  • Augustus Becomes Ruler

    27 BC-AD 14. He founded the Roman Empire.
  • Tiberius Becomes Ruler

    14-37 (i'm pretty sure) BC
  • Caius Become Ruler

    37-41 BC(?) he was assassinated by Praetorian Guards
  • Claudius Become Ruler

    He had a disability and no one thought he could be a ruler, but he is known as one of Rome's best. He married his niece, Agrippina Junior and she persuaded him to make her son, Nero, the next in line rather than Claudius' own son. Agrippina later poisoned him.
  • Nero Becomes Ruler

    Son of Agrippina, he was a tyrant. He had many wives, one he kicked to death while she was pregnant. His mother thought she would share the power with her son, but Nero ordered his men to kill his own mother. Agrippina didn't believe it at first, but she ordered the guards to stab her uterus first. Nero was haunted by his mother and guilt, and eventually committed suicide in a VERY dramatic way.