
Al_andalus timeline

  • 711

    Batlle of Guadalete

    Batlle of Guadalete
    The battle of Guadalete happened in the year in the 8th century.
    The Muslim army,led by Tarik defeated the Visigoth kingdom,the last king of visigoths was don Rodrigo,and began the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    The Muslims was stopped in the rocky region in Asturias,when a group of Christians led by Don Pelayo, defeated the Muslims beat in the battle of Covadonga. This battle was the birth of the "The Reconquista"
  • 756

    Al-Andalus independant emirate

    The prince of the Umayyad dynasty arrived to the Iberian Peninsula,
    remove the emir of Al-Andalus and started an independant emirate
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independant Emirate

  • 929

    caliphate of Cordoba

    Abderaman III declare caliphate guiding political and religious independance from the Abbasid caliphate from Baghdad
  • 1031

    1st Taifas

    1st Taifas
    the governors of the provinces declared their separation from the caliphaate of Cordoba, the caliphate of Cordoba was fragmented into 28 small independance Muslim territory called Taifas
  • Period: 1031 to 1085

    1st taifas

    There was conflicts between the taifas and competed for their territories ,and that made them weak
  • Period: 1085 to 1145

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids armed a strong religious radicalism persecuting Mozarabs and Jews. Their rigidness led them to crisis and caused the fragmentation agin of Taifas
  • 1086

    Battle of Sagrajas

    Battle of Sagrajas
    THe Almoravids came to The Iberian Peninsula to help the kings of the taifasand defeat the Christians
  • 1086

    The Reconquista conquer Toledo

    The Reconquista conquer Toledo
    The king of leon (Alfonso VI) conquered Toledo, that conquest scared the taifas and asked help from the Almoravids (An empire from the N.Africa)
  • 1145

    The 2nd Taifas

    The disintegration of Taifas again for the crsis of Almoravids
  • Period: 1145 to 1172

    2nd Taifas

    The second taifas remained independent by 1172, when they were conquered by the Almohads (the dynasty that had replaced the Almoravids in North Africa.
  • 1172

    Battle of Alarcos

    Battle of Alarcos
    The Almohads reunified again Al-Andalus,The Almohads stopped the Reconquista from a while in the B. of Alarcos
  • Period: 1172 to 1212

    The Almohads

    The Almohads reunified Al-Andalus again and incorporated to their territory. The Almohads stopped the Reconquista fo a while in the Battle of Alarcos.
  • 1212

    The Batlle of navas de Tolosa

    The Batlle of navas de Tolosa
    The battle of "Las Navas de Tolosa" took place in 1212, between the Almohads and the Christian Kingdoms. The Almohads were defeated by the Christians,the Almohads returned to North Africa and Al-Andalus was broken up into the Taifas. It was the third time this happens.
  • Period: 1212 to 1238

    3rd Taifas

    The Taifas were conquered by Christians until 1238, when just one taifa survived: The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
  • Period: 1238 to 1492

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada survived over 200 years due to its geographical location and the payment of Parias to the kingdom of Castilla. They were conquered by the Catholic Monarchs.
  • 1492

    The end of Al-Andalus

    The end of Al-Andalus
    The Reconquista had ended in 1492, marked by the conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada by the Christian Kingdoms.
    This event, together with the Discovery of America