By lapalma
  • 570

    Muhamad, the propet

    Muhamad, the propet
    -His parents died when he was very young.
    -He took Muhamad on trading journeys..
    -In 622 Muhamad fled to the city of Medin
    -The teachings of Muhamad were collected in the Koran, the holy book for Muslims.
  • 600

    Arabia, Muhamad´s land

    Arabia, Muhamad´s land
    -The arabian peninsula is predominatly desert
    - In the 6th century most of inhabitanslive in travelling groups called caravans
    -Mecca, the birthplace of Muhamad -It was crossroad for caravans and and was goberned by a council of powerful merchant family, including Muhamad´s family.
  • 622

    The expansion of Islam

    The expansion of Islam
    By the time Muhammad died in 632, most of the Arabian peninsula had converted to islam.
    They also conquered the Berber tribes in North Africa, took over most of the Iberian Peninsula(718)
  • 632

    The organisation of the caliphate

    The organisation of the caliphate
    The first four caliphs, who ruled between 632 and 661, were chosen from Muhammad´s family.
    The Umayyad dynasty from Syria seized power(661-750)
    The Abbasid dynasty defeated the Umayyads and took over the Caliphate(750-1258)
  • 700

    The weakness of the Visigothic monarchy 8th century

    The weakness of the Visigothic monarchy 8th century
    The impoverishment of the economy had made the population unhappy
  • 711

    The Military conquest

    The Military conquest
    With less than 25 000 men,the muslim armies under de control og Tariq and Musa occupied the entire southerm Peninsula and Toledo
  • 718

    The dependent Emirate

    The dependent Emirate
    After the military conquest, Al-Andalus became a province or emirate that was dependent on the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus
  • 756

    The independent Emirate

    The independent Emirate
    In 750, the caliph in Damascuss were overthrow by Abbasids of Baghad.
  • 929

    The Caliphate of Córdoba

    The Caliphate of Córdoba
    The Emirate of Córdoba faced numerous problems: internal rebellions, attacks by the Christian kingdoms(Leon,Navarre and Castile) and threats to maritime tradefrom North Africa
  • 1031

    The Taifa kingdoms

    The Taifa kingdoms
    The caliphate began to break up.Al-Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdoms called taifas
  • 1200

    Cultural and Economic Splendour

    Cultural and Economic Splendour
    Arabic became the official languaje of the islamic empire.Although other religios tolerated
  • 1248

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
    The only territory that survived the Christian advance of the 13th century was the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada