
  • 1309 BCE

    Siege of Algeciras

    Siege of Algeciras
  • 1278 BCE

    Battle of Algeciras

    Battle of Algeciras
  • Period: 1232 BCE to 1492 BCE

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada (1232 – 1492)

    At first the kingdom survives by paying high taxes to the Christian kingdoms.
    After a long siege, in 1942 King Boabdil handed the city over to the Catholic Monarchs.
  • 1108 BCE

    Battles of Sagranjas

    Battles of Sagranjas
  • Period: 1031 BCE to 1212 BCE

    Kingdoms of Taifas and North African dynasties (1031 – 1212)

    • In the 11th century Al-Andalus broke up into small kingdoms called Taifa kingdoms.
    • The Almoravids came (1086), later they took power.
    • The Almohads also arrived from North Africa, more intransigent on religious issues, and took power a little later.
    • The Christians defeated the Almohads in 1212 (Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa) and the Muslim territory was reduced to what would later be called the Nasrid kingdom of Granada.
  • 1009 BCE

    Battle of Aqbat al-Bakr

    Battle of Aqbat al-Bakr
  • 1003 BCE

    Battle of Albesa

    Battle of Albesa
  • 939 BCE

    Battle of Alhandic.

    Battle of Alhandic.
  • Period: 929 BCE to 1031 BCE

    Caliphate of Córdoba (929 – 1031)

    • Abd al-Rahman III proclaims an independent caliphate and consequently becomes caliph, his capital in Córdoba.
    • Maximum splendor, the advance of the Christian kingdoms is slowed.
  • Period: 756 BCE to 929 BCE

    Independent Emirate of Baghdad (756 – 929)

    • The Abbasid dynasty seized the caliphate from the Umayyads, murdering all members of the family. The capital passes to Baghdad.
    • Abd al-Rahman (Umayyad) manages to escape and settles in Al-Andalus
  • Period: 711 BCE to 756 BCE

    Dependent emirate of Damascus (711 – 756)

    • It depended on the Umayyad Caliphate with its capital in Damascus.
    • During that period they settled on the Peninsula and tried to expand throughout France but were defeated by the army of Charles Martel (battle of Poiters (732)).
    • There are pacts with the Hispanic-Visigothic population (tax collection) and the two cultures coexist.
    • The territory was divided into provinces.