
  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    King Rodrigo faced the Muslims, lost his life and the fight
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Damascus dependent emirate

    Al-Ándalus depended on this emirate after the military conquest, was a dependent emirate.
  • Period: 711 to 711

    Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula

    Muslims arrive on the peninsula and conquer much of this
  • 713

    Conquest of Toledo

    Conquest of Toledo
    when this city was conquered, the Visigoth kingdom came to an end
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    Christians clashed against Muslims who also lost
  • 732

    Abd al-Rhman III proclaims himself caliph

    Abd al-Rhman III proclaims himself caliph
    Became independent from Baghdad and reinforced his power
  • 732

    Muslim defeat in the battle of Poitiers

    Muslim defeat in the battle of Poitiers
    the Franks faced the Muslims, who lost
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Baghdad independent emirate

    When the Caliphs of Damascus were dethroned by the Abbasids, Abd al-Rahman fled and founded this emirate
  • Period: 800 to 1000

    Origin and formation of the Christian kingdoms

  • 830

    Creation of the Kingdom of Pamplona

  • 929

    Abd al-Rahman I, becomes emir of Cordoba

    Abd al-Rahman I, becomes emir of Cordoba
    He founded the Emirate of Córdoba when separating from Baghdad
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Caliphate of Córdoba

    There were many problems in the emirate, so Abd al-Rahman III proclaimed himself a caliph and created this caliphate
  • 951

    Castilla county independence

  • 979

    Al-Mansur military expeditions

    Al-Mansur military expeditions
    He ordered a new Caliphate city
  • Period: 1031 to 1248

    Taifa kingdoms

    Al-Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdoms
  • 1035

    Death of Sancho III of Pamplona

    Death of Sancho III of Pamplona
    Death was created by illness
  • 1038

    Alfonso Enrique makes the kingdom of Portugal independent

    Alfonso Enrique makes the kingdom of Portugal independent
    A separation of Hispania was created
  • Period: 1043 to 1099

    Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar El Cid

  • 1085

    Conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI

    Conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI
    He threw out the Muslim forces of the city
  • 1086

    Arrival of the Almoravids and Battle of Zalaca

    Arrival of the Almoravids and Battle of Zalaca
    it was a struggle for border possessions, which won the Almoravid dynasty
  • Period: 1086 to 1212

    Almorávides and Almohades

    Great empires of North Africa that settled in Al-Andalus
  • 1094

    First reconquest of Valencia by El Cid

    First reconquest of Valencia by El Cid
    They returned to inhabit Valencia, after banishing the Almoravids.
  • Period: 1100 to 1200

    Consolidation of the Christian kingdoms

  • 1118

    Conquest of Zaragoza by Alfonso II

    Conquest of Zaragoza by Alfonso II
    They took it from the Almoravids
  • 1128

    Definitive union of the kingdoms of Castilla y León

  • 1137

    Marriage between Petronila de Aragon and Ramón Berenguer IV

    Marriage between Petronila de Aragon and Ramón Berenguer IV
    They created the Crown of Aragon with this union
  • 1147

    Arrival of the Almohades

    Arrival of the Almohades
    They arrive to stay but they don't get it
  • Period: 1201 to 1300

    The great expansion of the Christian kingdoms

  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
    A battle between Almohads and Christians, which emerged victorious Christians
  • 1213

    Pedro II de Aragon is defeated in the Battle of Muret

    Pedro II de Aragon is defeated in the Battle of Muret
    Catalans and Occitans clashed
  • 1230

    Definitive union of the kingdoms of Castilla y León

  • 1230

    The kingdom of Castilla annexes the kingdom of León

  • 1238

    Foundation of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    Foundation of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
    It was the last Muslim dynasty
  • 1238

    Jaime I de Aragon conquers Valencia

    Jaime I de Aragon conquers Valencia
    created the annexation of Valencia and the Crown of Aragon
  • 1282

    Pedro III de Aragon incorporates Sicily

    Pedro III de Aragon incorporates Sicily
    By getting married he had the opportunity to conquer this place
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    Nasrid kingdom of Granada

  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada by the Catholic kings

    Conquest of Granada by the Catholic kings
    Fight for the Granada land, ended with the Christian victory