Battle of Guadalete
The Muslim army brawl against the Visigoth King (Don Rodrigo) and started the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula -
Battle of Covadonga
The Muslims conquest was halted in the mountanious region of Asturias, when a group of Christians led by Don Pelayo defeated the Muslims in the battle of Covadonga. This fought is taken as the beginning of "La Reconquista" -
Abderraman |
The Umayyad prince Abderraman | come in the Iberian Peninsula after escaping from the murder of his family by the Abbasids.
So he deposed the emir of Al-Andalus. -
Abderraman |||
Abderraman ||| indicated himself Caliph, leading to a political & religious autonomy from the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad. -
The governors of the provinces proclaimed their autonomy the Caliphate of Cordoba was disintegrated into 28 small broke up Muslim kingdoms called Taifas. 28 TAIFAS - small autonomy Muslim kingdoms · The Taifas competed among themselves for territorial & cultural. This made them very defendless. -
Alfonso V|
The Christian Kingdoms took advantage of this weakness. Demanded them to pay taxes called (parias), in exchange of peace. Depsite the parias, the Reconquista continued. In 1085 the king of Leon, Alfonso V|, conquered the Taifa of Toledo. -
The Almoravids
In 1085 the Almoravids came to the Peninsula to help the Taifa kings and defeated the Christians at the Battle of Sagrajas. The Almoravids reunified Al-Andalus and incorporated it into their empire. -
The Almoravids implemented a powerfull religious radicalism, oppressed Mozarabs & Jews. Their rigidness led them to an internal crisis that caused the disintegration of Al-Andalus again into Taifas in 1145. In N. Africa the Almoravids were replaced by a new dynasty entilted the Almohads. -
The 2º Taifas remained independent until 1172, when they were conquered by the Almohads (the dynasty that had replaced the Almoravids in N Africa) -
Battle of Alarcos
The Almohads stopped the Reconquista for a while in the battle of Alarcos. -
Las Navas De Tolosa
The Almohads were defeated by the Christians in the battle of Las Navas De Tolosa. They move to the N Africa so it start the 3º Taifas. Also the Christians reached the valley of Guadalquivir -
Al andalus had been reduced to the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. -
The end
The Reconquista had finished after 10 years of war. Finally the Catholic Monachs captured Granada.