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WW1 Project

  • Weapons

    The Military technology during World War 1 was Machine Guns, grenades, and artillery (big weapons) and also there where the new weapons such as submarines, poison gas, warplanes and tanks which made it hard for some solders with the new weapons because they were not familiar with them
  • Trenches

    Trenches were these long narrow ditches that the solders were in it was digged for there protection it was always muddy and very uncomfortable and sometimes toilets would over flow By being in a small area for such a long time and constant gun firing going on people got shell shock also know as PTSD
  • Frank Buckles

    Frank Buckles
    Frank Buckles lied about his age to get into the military at the time he was 16, you have to be 21 to get in. He kept on bothering his officers to get shipped to france he eventually got to go. He drove motorcycles, cars, and ambulances while in England and France and during this he was guarding german prisoners.
  • Frank Buckels

    Frank Buckles went to work for the White Star steamship line and was in manila on business in December 1941 when the Japanseas attacked. Frank Buckles was a prisoner of war as a civilian for a year in the Philippines and two years in San Tomas and another two years at Los Banos he was getting aborad for his shipping business when he got capture