WW 1

  • Prince Franz Ferdinand is assassinated

    Prince Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
    In Sarajevo, there was an assassination that was attended for Franz Ferdinand, he was killed on one of the few occasions that he was out in public. The Austria-Hungarian government saw the assassination as a direct attack on the country, they thought the Serbians were helping the Bosnians.
  • Christmas truce

    Christmas  truce
    This was an unofficial truce on the western front. This was not ordered by either commander on the two sides. This occurred 5 months after the war began. Everyone thought that the war would be over by the time it was Christmas. By the time it was Christmas hundreds of thousands of people had already died, so the soldiers decided to call a truce.
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    The Gallipoli Campaign

    the Allied powers landed in the Gallipoli peninsula. The plan was to break through German-allied Ottoman Turkey’s Dardanelles Strait. This would allow them to attack Germany and Austria-Hungary from the eastern side. Another reason for the attack was to gain an alliance with Russia. This attack was devastating for the allied powers. There were 180,000 deaths before they withdrew in January
  • Germany sinks HMS Lusitania

    Germany sinks HMS Lusitania
    A German torpedo was shot at the steamship the Lusitania. killing 1,195 people, including 128 Americans. The Germans doing this had also broken the international ‘prize laws’ which meant ships had to be warned of imminent attacks. Along with the Zimmerman Telegram, The Lusitania was a large factor that the US entering the war.
  • USS Seattle

    USS Seattle
    Lloyd was on board the Seattle as a musician. He played the cello. He traveled to Australia, New Zealand, and the Hawaiian islands. They would play every day on the ship.
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    The Battle of Passchendaeleele

    It started when British Allied troops launched an attack to seize key ridges near Ypres. The battle was over when both sides had fallen. The allies achieved victory in the end with around 150,000 dead. It took the British 14 weeks to gain ground which would take a few hours to walk through.
  • Sailing looking for Foreign ships

    Sailing looking for Foreign ships
    Lloyd was on the sea. He had to sleep in hammocks on the cold ship. Lloyd was a gunman and relied on the watchmen to tell him when there was a ship coming.
  • German submarine

    German submarine
    Lloyd took over a german submarine with his team. The caption of the ship tied up the german prisoners and put them on display so the Americans could see. He had only 3 weeks of basic training before this.
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    Duties on board New Hampshire

    Lloyd’s job when they were sailing was to clean to the deck of the ship. It would get very dirty when they shoveled coal through the manhole down to the engine, so he would clean it with soap and water. After that, he would polish it with the “Holy stone”. You would put sand on the deck, get a brick with holes in it, and drag it around with a broomstick.
  • Kidnapping after the war

    Kidnapping after the war
    Lloyd had two kids with his ex-wife. They did not live in the US. When Lloyd was on his way back from the navy he decided that he wanted to go get his kids. So he kidnapped them. He went to the park where they would normally play and took them. He ran off and quickly got caught. Later on, he gained custody of his kids.