wsr35Shah Jahan

By dmeiff
  • Birth

    He was born as Prince Shihab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram. His father was Jahangir mother was Princess Manmati. He was born in Lahore, Pakistan
  • Father marries

    Father marries
    His father marries Nur Jahan, the widowed daughter of an Afghan Noble. This was his twentieth wife. They turn into a great influence to Shah Jahan.
  • Marriage

    He married Arjumand Banu Begum in 1612. She was the daughter of a persian nobel and he said that she was "elect among all other women". He was 15, and she was 14.
  • Deccan victory

    Deccan victory
    He was victorious over the Lodi in the Deccan. This helped secure the southern border. He was titled "The Brave King of the World".
  • Revolt

    His father tried to make his stepdaughter marry his younder brother and make him be the heir to the throne. He didn't like this and revolted against his father. A battle breaks out.
  • Submission

    His father was forced to submit to his revolt. When his father died he became the ruler. His first act was to imprizon his stepmother for aiding his father.
  • Wife dies

    Wife dies
    His wife died while giving birth to his 14th child in 1631. It was an accidental death. She ended up buried in the Taj Mahal
  • Taj Mahal start

    Taj Mahal start
    After his wifes death, he begahn to build a great burial place out of love for her. He recieved great archetechs from all over the world to build it. It was made with white marble with brick underneath.
  • Dara begins reign

    Dara begins reign
    He becomes ill and unfit to rule. His eldest son Dara becomes the ruler. Dara's brothers start wars with him to become the rightfull successor.
  • Death

    He fell ill with strangury and dysentery. He was confined to bed and told Akbarabadi Mahal to care for his daughter, then he died. He was buried in the Taj Mahal beside his wife.