White Fang - Jack London

  • The Cave in the Riverbank

    Kiche (she-wolf) finds a cave and wants to rest in there. The she-wolf's mate is no longer appreciated near her. Kiche gives birth to 5 little wolves. White Fang is born and is the strongest one of the 5 cubs. The others cubs die, cause of starvation and the she-wolf's mate gets killed by a fierce lynx.
  • The Wall of Light

    The Wall of Light
    White Fang wasn't allowed outside the cave, but his curiosity grew. He was afraid, but wanted to explore the world. He discovered a lot of things. Some things live and some things don't, stones can move and suddenly he found a nest of birds. He ate one of the little birds and got attacked by mother-bird. He fought with the bird and suddenly a hawk grabbed the mother-bird. He ran away and hid, but got attacked by a weasel. Kiche came to the rescue and saved White Fang.
  • The Man-Animals

    The Man-Animals
    White Fang learned more and more, but not without his mom staying close. He learned the law of meat: Eat, or be eaten. One day he went to the river to drink some water, but found 5 humans. He growled, but they weren't afraid and just laughed at him. A moment later Kiche came, but she was delighted to see one of the humans. The humans were very powerful and tied Kiche and White Fang just followed them. They went to their camp and White Fang got to know the dogs in the camp. They aren't friendly.
  • The Camp

    White Fang learned how the humans worked and what they wanted. If you listen to them, you won't get beaten up. White Fang made enemies in the humans camp. The boss of the dogs was called Lip Lip. He bullied White Fang if Gray Beaver wasn't close. Gray Beaver was one of the 5 humans who found Kiche and White Fang. He took care of them. One day Kiche got taken away in a canoe and White Fang went after them, but Gray Beaver took him back.
  • The enemy of the pack

    Lip Lip bullied White Fang a lot, causing him to grow more aggressive and stronger. White Fang became more dangerous. He became the leader of the sled-dogs, but not after he showed them who was the strongest now. It became colder and the humans had not enough food. The dogs and White Fang had to leave and try to survive on their own. White Fang was strong and survived, but one day he confronted Lip Lip and slaughtered him. The winter got milder and White Fang got back to the humans.
  • Fort Yukon

    White Fang wentto Fort Yukon with Gray Beaver. White Fang got attacked by a dog when they arrived there and Beauty Smith saw the dog get killed by White Fang and knew he had to get White Fang. beauty Smith was a nasty, little man who let dogs fight for money. Gray Beaver said White Fang wasn't for sale, but Beauty Smith offered a lot of alcohol and Gray Beaver bought it. Gray Beaver spend all his money on drinks and has to sell White Fang to buy food and stay alive.
  • The Fighting Wolf

    White Fang fought a lot and won everything. Beauty Smith earned a lot of money with the fights. Eventually, White Fang has to fight against 2 dangerous looking dogs. It is unfair and White Fang loses. He almost gets killed, but then Weedon Scott enters the pen. Weedon Scott is a well-known mining expert with a lot of friends in the area. Weedon Scott stops the fight just in time and punches Beauty Smith in the face. He forces Beauty Smith to sell White Fang and leaves.
  • Weedon Scott

    Weedon Scott doesn't really want to tame White Fang, but his friend Matt convinces him in helping White Fang. It isn't easy, but Matt doesn't give up. Weedon Scott slowly gives him food and talks to him for a while, giving White Fang strange good feelings. Eventually Weedon Scott is able to pet him. He starts loving his new master. Weedon has to leave and White Fang refuses to eat, causing Weedon to have to bring White Fang with him to California.
  • In Santa Clara Valley

    White Fang and Weedon go to Weedon his home and family. White Fang is very protective, but learns Weedon his family is very kind. He meets a Collie who doesn't appreciate him in the family. For the first time White Fang is allowed inside a house which scares him a bit. He learns that the children just want to pet him. One night White Fang kills 50 of their chickens. Weedon Scott is very mad, but doesn't hit him as hard as Gray Beaver or Beauty Smith. It hurt him more mental. He never kills again
  • The Blessed Wolf

    One day, Weedon rides a horse, but falls and breaks a leg. White Fang gets help at home and gets appreciated now by the whole family. Even by the Collie. An infamous criminal, called Jim Hall, escapes prison. He hates Weedon Scott and wants revenge. He breaks into Weedon his house, but White Fang attacks him. White Fang almost saves the family, but almost dies. Fortunately, the doctor is on time and heals him. Later that week Collie has puppies and they play happily around White Fang.