Giordano Bruno birth: 1548, death: 1600
1576- Was the year most important to Bruno, due to his teachings in Dominican memory techniques.
Giordano Bruno was born in Italy and after his childhood schooling he became a priest of the Dominican Order. He left the catholic church after a few years due to his belief that it did not suit him. At this point is when he began to teach royal families the Dominican memory techniques. Some of the most popular royalty included King Henry the third of France. -
Giordano Bruno birth: 1548, death: 1600 CONTINUED:
In the year of 1584 Bruno started to bring a lot of negative attention to him self due to a book that was published called Dell Infinito, universo e mondi. The book had many views of the astronomy nature and the church did not like that. In short terms his studies were in the nature of other life forms that existed in the universe. Due to his belief he was arrested and tortured for many years and eventually received a death sentence in the year of 1600 where he was burned at stake. -
Giordano Bruno CONTINUED: Citation and picture
Greene, Nick. "Giordano Bruno: a Martyr for Science." ThoughtCo, Jun. 22, 2018, thoughtco.com/giordano-bruno-3071094.