Warren G. Harding

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Corsica, Ohio

    /He was born to 2 doctors, Phoebe and George. He had 4 sisters and 1 brother.
  • Period: to

    Life of Warren Harding

  • Education

    At age 14 he attended Ohio Central College where he edited the campus newspaper and became an accomplished public speaker.
  • Life after College

    Life after College
    After he graduated from college in 1882 he taught in a country school and sold insurance. Later that same year he and 2 friends purchased the near defunct Marion Daily Star newspaper in Marion, Ohio,that at first struggled, but later prospered due to his good manner and strong sense of community. His job was very enjoyable to him.
  • Marriage

    Harding married Florence Kling de Wolfe, a wealthy divorcee with a keen business eye and ample financial resources. The couple never had children of their own.
  • Taste of Politics

    In the same year, that his wife urged him to run for president he won Ohio legislature and served 2 terms as a republican. He often did favors for city bosses who in turn helped him advance in Ohio politics.
  • Up the Political Ladder

    He ran and won for Lieutenant Governor before he later returned to his newspaper business. He served 2 terms as Lieutenant Governor.
  • Tough ladder to climb

    He ran for Ohio Governor but eventually became unsuccessful in winning.
  • Taft's Address

    He gave the nominating address for President Taft at the Republican Convention that year.
  • Step up the ladder

    He won a senator of Ohio in a hard-fought election. He actively supported business interests and advocated for protective tariffs. Like many other Republicans, he opposed Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Point Peace Plan," and supported the prohibition. Even though he had strong views on important issues he often didn't participate in legislative processes.
  • Ready to be a President

    Harry Daughtery started to promote Harding for president because he believed he was the most favorable to be elected president. Later that year after 10 rounds of voting the nomination was deadlocked and on the 11th ballot, he emerged as the Republican nominee. He then gained 60% of the popular vote and 37 of 48 states which led him to win the presidency. His administration was determined to abolish some of the ways the country's problems were dealt with.
  • The President's Problems

    Warren Harding's life and the presidency was going well until rumors started to pop up around the country about the president being corrupt.
  • A President's End

    On his way to San Fransisco, California, Harding died of a heart attack. He died with not really having a major effect on the country. Nobody thought much after sometime later after Harding's death until evidence was brought up and historians have proved that he was in affairs and was generally a very bad president. Historians have also said he was a bad president, not because of others around him, but because of his lack of vision and poor sense of where he wanted to take the country.