
Warren Buffet Timeline

  • Birth of Warren

    Birth of Warren
    Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska. His dad was a stockbroker and U.S. congressman. His mother stayed at home.
  • Warren's First Tax Return

    Warren's First Tax Return
    By the time he was 13, he was running his own business as a paper delivery boy. Later that year, he filed his first tax return, claiming his bike as a $35 deduction.
  • Warren Moves Away

    Warren Moves Away
    In 1942 Warren's dad was elected as a congressman, so he moved their family to Fredricksburg, Virginia, so be closer to the Capital. Warren attended school in Washinton D.C. and he was very unhappy, so he got bad grades and such. "lost interest"
  • Warren Goes to College (First Time)

    Warren Goes to College (First Time)
    Warren enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania at the age of 16 to study business. He stayed two years and then moved to the University of Nebraska to finish his degree. He graduated at age 20 with nearly $10,000 from all the money he earned as a child.
  • Warren Goes to College Part 2

    Warren Goes to College Part 2
    In 1951 he received his master's degree in economics at Columbia University. He got in because he sent letters to some authors who taught at the school. He thought they were dead. They weren't. One of them was Benjamin Graham, who he studied under.
  • Warren Does Business

    Warren Does Business
    Influenced by Graham's 1949 book, The Intelligent Investor, Warren sold securities for Buffett-Falk & Company for three years. Then he went to work for his mentor for two years as an analyst at Graham-Newman Corp.
  • Warren Starts a Business

    Warren Starts a Business
    In 1956 Warren made his own company, a firm called Buffett Partnership Ltd. in his hometown of Omaha. Using what he learned from Graham, he was successful in identifying undervalued companies and became a millionaire.
  • Warren & Berkshire Hathaway

    Warren & Berkshire Hathaway
    Despite the success of Buffett Partnership, Warren killed it in 1969 to focus on the development of Berkshire Hathaway. He removed textiles, instead expanding the company by buying assets in media (The Washington Post), insurance (GEICO) and oil (Exxon). He was referred to as the "Oracle of Omaha" because of his success.
  • Warren & Berkshire Hathaway cont.

    Warren & Berkshire Hathaway cont.
    Following Berkshire Hathaway's investment in Coca-Cola, Warren became director of the company from 1989 until 2006. He also served as director of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings, Graham Holdings Company and The Gillette Company.
  • Where is He Now?

    Where is He Now?
    As for 2018, Warren has an estimated net worth of $84 billion, and he has donated close to $28 billion in charity between 2006 and 2017. He is good.