Apr 14, 1323
Tutankhamun's tomb
His golden coffin was buried in a tomb in the Valley Of The Kings. These treasures included a golden throne, crown and cobra, pottery and big chests. -
Apr 14, 1324
He was buried in a hastily prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings. This occurred 70 days after his death because of the death rituals of the Ancient Egyptians. His body was mummified, which is how the ancient Egyptians preserved their dead. -
Apr 14, 1325
Tutankhamun died in the year of 1325BC at the age of 18/19. He reigned for just 9 years and the cause of his death still remains a mystery -
Apr 14, 1331
Name change
Tutankhamun changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. His original name means ‘the living image of Aten”. After the death of his unpopular father, he changed his name to Tutankhamun which means ‘the living image of Amun”. -
Apr 14, 1334
Became Pharaoh
Tutankhamun was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt.He reigned during the 18th Dynasty when the Egyptian Empire was at its height. -
Apr 14, 1334
Tutankhamun married Ankhesenpaaten, his half sister, the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti -
Apr 14, 1343
Tutankhamun was born in this year - his name at this time was Tutankhaten. He was the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the heretic king and his wife Kiya -
Carter began working in Egypt
Carter began his archaeological work in Egypt in 1891, at the age of 17, after his father had found him a job as an artist for an archaeologist. There he worked on the excavation of Basi Hassan, the gravesite of the princess of Middle Egypt, circa 2000 BC. -
Carter finds the steps
Carter finds the steps leading to Tutankhamun's tomb and asks Lord Carnarvon to come to Egypt -
Tomb discovered
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered on November 4, 1922 by an English archaeologist named Howard Carter. -
Carter opens the doorway
Howard Carter opens the sealed doorway leading to the burial chamber and the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The burial chamber was officially opened the next day.