Identity vs Role confusion
George is 16 and realizes that hes been acting a lot like his freinds and the girl he likes, this conserns him becouse he feels hes loosing his originality and simply becoming one with the crowd. He wonders if he'll make a difference or if there a place for him in the world one day. -
Intimacy vs Isolation
George is 23 and has just had his first kid, a boy named Ash, with his highschool sweetheart and the love of his life Juli, who hes been marryed to since he was 21. -
Gernerativity vs Stagnation
Greorge is 42 and his two kids Ash (19) and Lucylia (14) are really into snowboarding lately. George feels like his life isnt very exiting and want to do more with his kids before he can no longer keep up with them so he decides to learn. But the gear was expencive and he didnt want to spend more on lessons and decided to let his kids give him tips instead. This resulted in a broken left wrist which had him off the slopes for the seson and caused him to get proffesional lessons the next year.