Enters University
Before serving in the war, Thomas Kuhn began his academic career at Harvard, Massachusetts. It was during this time that Thomas focused mainly on Physics. He excelled at the subject, graduating with top honors in 1943. -
Thomas returns from the war and finds a new passion
After returning home from the war, Thomas returned to Harvard and completed a PhD in Physics. It was during this time that he began to be more insightful and started drifting further towards the field of Philosophy. During his time at Harvard, Mr. Kuhn was invited to teach a class to undergraduates about the history of science. In his pursuit to master the material he began to realize that there were some issues understanding some of the Pre-Newtonian principles. Discovery soon followed. -
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
In his groundbreaking book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Kuhn introduced the concept of Incommensurability. This roughly means that there is no common way for scientists to agree on the same subject since it is impossible for them to look at it through the same lens.
https://youtu.be/YL7PA51Qs8A -
The Paradigm Shift
Thomas Kuhn would go on to be one of the greatest philosophers of our time for the work that followed. He was to introduce the concept of the paradigm shift. While trying to understand some of Aristotle's work, he realized that it was difficult because he was looking at it through the lens of a scientist who was taught through Newtonian principles. This led him to his principle of the paradigm shift. He would assert that scientists found facts in ways that satisfied the mindset of the time.