Book cover

The Pearl

By pdobesh
  • 1.

    Kino and Juana arise and prepare for the day. Juana makes breakfast while Kino looks out and enjpys the clamness of the morning.
  • 2.

    Coyotito is bit by a scorpion. Juana sucks out the venom and Kino smashes the scorpion.
  • 3.

    Juana and Kino take Coyotito to see the doctor. The doctor will not see them because they have no money. So the family leaves and goes back to the village.
  • 4.

    The next day Juana and Kinow go to the beach to go pearl diving. Juana puts a poultice made of brown seaweed on Coyotito's swollen shoulder to help heal him. She does not thnk it is good enough since it was not perscribed by a "real doctor".
  • 5.

    They take the canoe out into the water and Kino enters the water to search for pearls. While under the water Kino finds an old, large pearl off on its own.
  • 6.

    Kino brings it back to the boat. He is afraid to open it but Juana tells him to do so. Inside he finds a pear the size of a sea-gull's egg. It was the greatest pear in the world.
  • 7.

    Everyone is excited about the pearl and word spreads quickly about Kino's find. Kino becomes every man's enemy because they all want of piece of the fortune. Kino and Juana are unware of everyone's envy because they are so happy.
  • 8.

    Kino tells of all the wonderful things the pearl will provide for his family. Soon people come to visit him. First the priest comes and in Kino's head he hears the music of evil faint and weak. He is happy when Juana says they will be married in the church, knowing some of the riches will come to him.
  • 9.

    The doctor hears the news and comes to the house also, pretending he knows nothing of the pearl. He pretends to be healing the baby but in truth he makes the baby sicker. He later comes back to "heal" Coyotito making him look good. He offers to hold onto the pearl for Kino who gives away its hiding spot by looking at it.
  • 10.

    Later that night someone breaks into Kinoś house and tries to dig up the pearl but Kino had moved it. Kino and the intruder fight but the intruder gets away.
  • 11.

    Juana cleans Kino up. She tells Kino the pearl is evil and it should be destroyed.
  • 12.

    The next day Kino and his family, followed by the people of the village, set out for town to sell the pearl. The procession is solemn as it moves along.
  • 13.

    Juan Tomas and Kino talk about the story of the pearl agents of long ago who never returned with the villager´s money. The priest said it was punishment for the people because they wer not good soldiers.
  • 14.

    The procession reaches town and Kino goes into the pearl buyers office. The buyer is so shocked at the appearance of the pearl he drops the coin in his hand. The buyer plays is cool and offers Kino 1000 pesos for the pearl.
  • 15.

    Kino accuses the buyer of cheating him so the buyer invites 2 more buyers to come and appraise the pearl. Since all the buyers are working together each of them offers Kino very little if anything for the pearl. Kino says no to the offers and leaves without selling the pearl.
  • 16.

    Kino plans to go to the capital to sell his pearl. Juan Tomas is concerned for him believing he is going against their way of life. Long after Juan Tomas leaves Kino is sitting in the hut and senses somethingis wrong outside. He goes out and is again attacked in the dark and can not see who does it. They go to sleep.
  • 17.

    Kino senses movement in the hut and sees Juana digging up the pearl. Juana leaves and Kino follows her. She is ready to throw the pearl into the sea when Kino catches her, beats her and takes the pearl back. Kino feels guilty for what he does and heads back to the hut.
  • 18.

    As he heads up the path he is attacked again. This time Kino kills the man during the struggle and looses the pearl. Juana finds the pearl and helps Kino hide the body. Juana knows their old life is gone forever.The two plan to leave.
  • 19.

    Kino goes to the water and discovers a large hole has been put in his boat. He is devastated. As he heads to the hut he sees that it is on fire. He meets Juana and Coyotito on the path. They are safe.
  • 20.

    They hide in Juan Tomas' hut until it is safe to leave. TIt is a stormy day and they leave in the dark of night. Kino says he can not give up the pearl because it has become his soul.
  • 21.

    They family avoids the shore and heads into the mountains. As they move Kino covers their tracks so not to be detected. They move at night and hide during the day. As Kino sleeps he senses something. He checks and sees the trackers, two on foot and one on a horse with a gun. Kino is able to fool them for a short time.
  • 22.

    He and Juana head higher into the mountains. Kino tries to convince Juana to take Coyotito and leave. She will not leave her husband. They find a cave to hide in as the trackers get closer.
  • 23.

    The trackers stop to rest. Kino plans to overtake the one watching guard with the gun. He slips down in the night. The guard hears a noise, like a baby crying and wakes one of the sleeping men, who says it is probably a coyote.
  • 24.

    As the man lifts the gun to shoot in the direction of the cave Kino attacks him. The gun crashes and Kino kills the man with his knife. He grabs the gun and kills the second man immediately. He shoots the third man as he tries to escape up the mountain.
  • 25.

    Now Kino hears the hyterical cry from the cave. The cry of death.
  • 26

    Kino and Juana walk back into the town, Kino holding the gun and Juana carrying a small limp bundle that holds Coyotito. They walk all the way to the water without acknowledging anyone.
  • 27.

    Kino takes out the pearl. In the surface of the pearl he sees the evil it has caused, he sees Coyotito lying in the cave with the top of his head shot away.
  • 28.

    He hand the pearl to Juana but she refuses it. Kino hurls the pearl back intothe water. The music of the pearl drifts to a whisper and fdissapears.