The Most Dangerous Game

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Rainsford is on his boat with Whitney who wants to see "Ship Trap Island"
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Rainsford hears gun shots, he leans over the deck to rest but he falls over board, so he swims towards where he heard gun shots, but only to arrive at Ship Trap Island
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    Rainsford is on the island and finds a big house so he goes to welcome himself, there he finds General Zaroff who is a quirky fellow who knows who Rainsford by his books, the General invites Rainsford inside for some shelter
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    The General and Rainsford both love hunting, but the general got bored of hunting animals and decided to invent a new sort of hunting, Rainssford puts the dots together and finds out he is talking about hunting HUMANS, the General calls it a fun game and now Rainsford is in it
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    The game begins when Rainsford runs into the jungle, he has a 3 hour headstart and the general waits awaits eagerly
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    Rainsford gets the things required to suposedly survive the game, he gets, a knife, a supply of food and a three hour headstart, but the general can only follow with a pistol with the smallest calibear and range
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    Rainsford mkaes fake trails to try and throw off the General, but the general finds him but dosen't want to capture him this early
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    The General fall for the trap and injures his shoulder, he laughs and compliments Rainsford and says "I'll be back, I will be back" in a smurk like tone
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    Rainsford continues to run through the island, he makes his second trap, he finds quicksand and makes sharp pointy stick/branches at the bottom
  • Event 10

    Event 10
    The second trap get put to use, one of the generals dogs goes into the quicksand and gets impaled by the sticks and branches at the bottom
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    Rainsford runs and sets up his first trap, he finds a dead tree over a live tree, uses his knife to make a slit in the tree, then goes to hide
  • Event 15

    Event 15
    General Zaroff has given up on Rainsford thinking he has gotten away, he goes back to his quarters and has a nice meal and gets ready for bed, but to his suprise Rainsford is standing there waiting for the General the General shook "Rainsford, How the hell did you get here?". "I swam, I found it to be quicker than walking through the jungle" rainsford said
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    The final day of the game
  • Event 13

    Event 13
    The General, More hounds and Ivan the protector come looking for Rainsford, the 3rd trap gets used and the knife gets flung into Ivan's chest
  • Event 14

    Event 14
    After the trap had gone off Rainsford ran to the edge of the island, finding sea he jumped and swam and hid from the General for the rest of the day
  • Event 12

    Event 12
    Rainsford makes his third and final trap, he finds a young sapling and attaches his knife to it, he pulls the tree back, so when stepped on the knife goes flying in to whoever steps on it
  • Event 16

    Event 16
    The General congragulates "I congragulate you, you have won the game" Rainsford, but he still wants to have some fun, the General wants a duel, winner gets to sleep in the bed and the loser is food for the hounds
  • Event 17

    Event 17
    Rainsford and the General duel, the general loses and gets tossed out the windows to the hounds, as Rainsford says in his new bed, "He had never slept in a better had"