
The Most Dangerous Game

By jdc9802
  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Rainsford, a well known hunter, heads to Rio on a yacht to hunt jaguars and are passing Ship Trap Island.
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Rainsford heard a gun fired three times. But when he tried to see where it was coming from he lost his balance and fell off the ship.
    The yacht sailed away,and he had to swim to Ship Trap Island where he fell fast asleep.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    On the island the next day in the afternoon, Rainsford found where the gun was fired and a twenty-two calibur bullet casing. He noticed foot prints
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    Following the tracks, Rainsford came arcross a large chateau. There, he was allowed to enter where he met two Cossacks, General Zaroff and his servant Ivan. Rainsford ate with Zaroff and found out he was a hunter.
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    While eating, Zaroff explains that he hunts humans on the island. He gives them three days. If they survive, he lets them go. Rainsford is so shocked at what he said he couldn't sleep.
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    At lunch when Zaroff returned from the hunt, Rainsford demanded to leave the island and refused to hunt with the general. So General Zaroff gave him clothing, food, and a knife because if he wouldn't hunt he would be hunted.
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    In the jungles of the island Rainsford made a complicated trail to follow and hides in a tree but couldn't sleep.
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    At sunrise, General Zaroff followed Rainsfords trail carefully. Then he paused beneath the tree Rainsford was in. Rainsford was hidden behind a screen of leaves. Zaroff started looking up the tree. He smiled and walked away. Rainsford knew he found him andwondered why he walked away.
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    He ran from his hiding spot and found a large, dead tree leaning on another small tree. He used his knife to set up a trap he learned how to make in Malacca and hid behind a nearby fallen log. When the general triggered it the trees crashed together, but Zaroff jumped back and was hit in the the shoulder because he too had hunted in Malacca and noticed the trap.
  • Event 10

    Event 10
    After Zaroff left to Rest his injured shoulder, Rainsford ran and then stepped into quicksand, but he tore his feet loose. He stepped away from the quiksand and began to dig in the softer swamp dirt. He sharpened sticks and placed them inside. Next he wove sticks and weeds together and covered the opening of the hole. Zaroff used his best hunting dog to track Rainsford, but the dog fell in the trap
  • Event 12

    Event 12
    Zaroff couldn't find Rainsford and returned home to eat. After he was done he went to his room where Rainsford was waiting for him. Zaroff admitted defeat and told him he won. But Rainsford and Zaroff fought to the death and Rainsford killed Zaroff.
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    In the morning Zaroff had Ivan use a pack of hounds to hunt Rainsford so he decided to set a trap he learned to make in Uganda. Rainsford pulled a branch back and tied it there with a vine and put his knife on the branch. He ran and saw it hit and killed Ivan. Rainsford reached the edge of the island and leaped into the sea.