In Erikson's stage, Intimacy versus Isolation
Heather + Bob
Heather meets a lovely man in her freshman year in college while studying agriculture. She met a boy named Bob who was pursuing his dreams to become a doctor. They went on a date to get some sushi and Heather really though she met the right one. This is an example of Erikson’s intimacy vs isolation. Heather has the chance to become more vulnerable and be able to connect with someone and feel safe and secured. She is no longer lonely or isolated. -
In Erikson's stage, Trust versus Mistrust
Heather and Bob after graduation ended up getting married, after three years they had a son named Jay who was a very exciting baby and loved being outdoors playing with balls but always had a hard time when they left him with the grandparents This is an example of Erikson’s first stage Trust Vs Mistrust. Jay is very attached to his parents and he feels very secure because he has that consistency and so when his parents leave he's not familiar with the grandparent who he sees once in a while. -
In Erikson's stage, Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
(2 years old)
Jay was always ready to help out with a helping hand when he was just two he insisted he should be able to pick out his clothes even if they didn’t match up all the time, and the colors were all funky and the patterns were mixed matched but he was always wanting to make sure he sets the dinner table and get things done before dinner. This is an example of Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt where children are developing a greater sense of self-control. -
In Erikson's stage, Initiative versus Guilt
(5 years old)
Jay was wanting to finish picking up all his blocks before mom got home but wasn’t able to finish picking up all his stuff and ended up feeling guilty when things weren’t all done in his favor. This is an example of Initiative vs Guilt stage where children assert themselves more frequently either through criticism or control which ends up them developing a sense of guilt. -
In Erikson's stage, Industry versus Inferiority
Jay was in third grade trying to play soccer with his teammate when he wanted to make sure he will be able to play in the upcoming grade he knows he doesn’t have the best grade but if he does good on his next quiz he would be able to play. This is an example of Industry vs Inferiority children around five to twelve learn how to read and write, do sums, and learn to do things on their own. -
In Erikson's stage, Identity versus Role Confusion (17-27years old high school and college)
Jay gets ready to start high school but is having a hard time deciding if he should take advanced classes without his friends and start a new place for himself without his friends. His friends start to do drugs and go to parties and he wanted to take advanced classes go a different path even if he loses does friends.This is an example of Identity vs Role Confusion. The Crisis is between Jay doing the right thing and being influenced by other choices which affects his personal decision making. -
In Erikson's stage, Generativity versus Stagnation
(28-70 years old)
Jay became a radiologist for several years. His outlook on life and hardworking skills and leadership from taking all the advanced courses in high school lead him to a huge promotion and pay raise too soon opening up his hospital and having a stadium with his lovely wife Sarah. In Erikson’s stage of generativity vs Stagnation, Jay is faced with being productive and successful instead of coming to a stopping point. -
In Erikson's stage, ego Integrity versus Despair contemplating
(death 95 years old)
Jay ownes a soccer stadium and he was able to live his life with great pride, his wife Sarah of 90 years and 8 grandkids who are working the medical field. He was able to play the sport he loves and help change peoples lives. Jay enjoyes his retirment, many of his grand kids of 8 grew to do many wonderful things in life. This is an example of Erikson’s stage of ego Integrity vs Despair contemplating our accomplishment and knowing we have lead a successful life