Scientific Management Theory
At the turn of the century, the most notable organizations were large and industrialized. Frederick Taylor developed the :scientific management theory” which espoused this careful specification and measurement of all organizational tasks. Workers were rewarded and punished. Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. (n.d.). Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://managementhelp.org/management/theories -
The first graduate school of management
The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, was created in 1900. Creating a graduate school for business was considered a bold move at the time. The first degree Tuck offered was a Master of Science in Commerce.
History of the MBA [MBA Friday Facts]. (n.d.). QS TopMBA.com. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.topmba.com/why-mba/history-mba-mba-friday-facts -
The first Chinese business school
The Shanghai University of Commerce, created in 1921, was the first Chinese business school.
History of the MBA [MBA Friday Facts]. (n.d.). QS TopMBA.com. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.topmba.com/why-mba/history-mba-mba-friday-facts -
First Master of Business Administration degree
The Harvard Business School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921.
Historical Facts. (n.d.). <i>Harvard University</i>. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.harvard.edu/historical-facts -
SANNO Institute of Management
Yoichi Ueno, the founder of SANNO Institute of Management, a scholar in the fields of management science and industrial psychology. He has been called the "father of Japanese administrative science". Japanese SANNO INSTITUTE was founded in 1925 by Yoichi Ueno.
Modern Asian Studies Journals</i>. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=00F4489A77EF71D8CD80A3CE3679A6D0.journals?fromPage=online&aid=73233 -
Frederick Winslow Taylor founded the Taylorism in 1920s. The main proposition was based on how to improve the efficiency. Then, The Taylor Society publishes a revised and updated practitioner's manual: Scientific Management in American Industry in 1929.
Taylorism and Economic Efficiencey in the 1920s. (n.d.). <i>Taylorism and Economic Efficiencey in the 1920s</i>. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://lcweb2.loc.gov:8081/ammem/amrlhtml/intaylor.html -
Period: to
Human Relations Movement
A major belief included that the organization would prosper if its workers prospered as well. Human Resource departments were added to organizations. The behavioral sciences played a strong role in helping to understand the needs of workers and how the needs of the organization and its workers could be better alignd.
Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. (n.d.). Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from ttp://managementhelp.org/management -
Period: to
Bureaucratic Management Theory
Max Weber embellished the scientific management theory with his bureaucratic theory. Weber focused on dividing organizations into hierarchies, establishing strong lines of authority and control. He suggested organizations develop comprehensive and detailed standard operating procedures for all routinized tasks.
Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. (n.d.). Historical and Contemporary Theories of Management. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://managementhelp.org/management/the -
Hawthorne experiments
Elton Mayo becomes the first to question the behavioral assumptions of scientific management. The studies concluded that human factors were often more important than physical conditions in motivating employees to greater productivity.
Reference for Business. (n.d.). <i>Hawthorne Experiments</i>. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Gov-Inc/Hawthorne-Experiments.html -
Chester Barnard's The Functions of the Executive
Chester Barnard's landmark 1938 book, The Functions of the Executive, sets out a theory of organization and of the functions of executives in organizations. The book has been widely assigned in university courses in management theory and organizational sociology.
切斯特·巴纳德. (n.d.). _百度百科. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=THMq65A3BMfUg1BshwbJcBbmgli_ZOeOO3eaqwB8eLyZKz7ZDYIbFKcjke0bW80Z -
First Executive MBA Program
The first Executive MBA Program debuted in 1943 at the University of Chicago. Organizations began to look for ways to increase the leadership skills of professionals and executives.
The Executive MBA Council. (n.d.). <i>The Executive MBA Council</i>. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.emba.org/about_ourhistory.htm -
Organization Development
Lewin is best known for his work in the field of organization development and the study of group dynamics. His research discovered that learning is best facilitated when there is a conflict between immediate concrete experience and detached analysis within the individual.
Executive Education & Organizational Development. (n.d.). <i>- Nyenrode Business Universiteit</i>. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.nyenrode.nl/EDUCATION/EXECUTIVEEDUCATION/Pages/Default.aspx -
The Thunderbird School of Global Management
The first business school to offer a program focused on international management was the Thunderbird School of Global Management, created in 1946.
History of the MBA [MBA Friday Facts]. (n.d.). QS TopMBA.com. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.topmba.com/why-mba/history-mba-mba-friday-facts -
Concept of the Corporation
Peter Drucker (1909–2005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied management: Concept of the Corporation.
Peter Drucker's Life and Legacy | The Drucker Institute. (n.d.). The Drucker Institute RSS. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.druckerinstitute.com/link/about-peter-drucker/ -
The socio-technical approach was developed as a radical alternative to Fredrick Taylor's concept of scientific management, which attempted to improve productivity through psycho-social means. Taylor's ideas appeared to work and so his stick-and-carrot psychology had enormous influence among management at that time, and still does.
SOCIO-TECHNICAL SYSTEMS. (n.d.). Socio-technical Systems. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.argospress.com/Resources/team-building/socitechnisistem.htm -
Chris Argyris's Personality and Organization Published
Chris Argyris’ early research explored the impact of formal organizational structures, control systems and management on individuals and how they responded and adapted to them. This research resulted in the books Personality and Organization in 1957. He also came to the conclusion that problems with employees is the result of mature personalities managed using outdated practices.Human Relations Contributors. (n.d.). <i>Employee motivation theory. Chris Argyris immaturity / maturity motivation -
Hygiene and Motivational Factors
Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors which are closely based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, except it more closely related to work. Hygiene factors must be present in the job before motivators can be used to stimulate the workers.
Herzberg - Motivation-Hygiene Theory. (n.d.). <i>Herzberg - Motivation-Hygiene Theory</i>. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/herzberg/ -
Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y principles influence the design and implementation of personnel policies and practices.
Theory X and Theory Y. (n.d.). Theory X and Theory Y. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/mcgregor/ -
Period: to
Action Learning
An Unheralded British academic was invited to try out his theories in Belgium — Action Learning — it leads to an upturn in Belgian's economy.
Reg Revans: action learning.. (n.d.). - Free Online Library. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Reg+Revans%3A+action+learning.-a0151189053 -
Period: to
The contingency approach
The contingency approach to management is based on the idea that there is no one best way to manage and that to be effective, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling must be tailored to the particular circumstances faced by an organization.
Reference for Business. (n.d.). Contingency Approach to Management. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Comp-De/Contingency-Approach-to-Management.html -
Management Grid
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton develop a management model that conceptualizes management styles and relations. Their Grid uses two axis. "Concern for people" is plotted using the vertical axis and "Concern for task" is along the horizontal axis. The notion that just two dimensions can describe a managerial behavior has the attraction of simplicity Managerial Grid. (n.d.). Managerial Grid. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from http://www.odportal.com/leadership/fastlearner/grid.htm -
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
To prohibit age discrimination in employment.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that this Act may be cited as the “Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.
"The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967." <i>(ADEA)</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/adea.cfm. -
Performance Technology
Tom Gilbert publishes Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance. It describes the behavioral-engineering model which become the bible of performance technology. Gilbert wrote that accomplishment specification is the only logical way to define performance requirements.
Human Performance Technology Models. (n.d.). PerformanceXpress RSS. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.performancexpress.org/2012/04/human-performance-technology-models/ -
In Search of Excellence
McKinsey's John Larson asks his colleague, Tom Peters, to step in at the last minute and make a presentation that leads to In Search of Excellence. Thus Tom Peters spawns the birth of the “Management Guru Business.”
Peters' Principles: Secrets Of Growth BY Susan Benner. (n.d.). Inc.com. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.inc.com/magazine/19830701/508.html -
On December 11, 1995 a fire burned most of Malden Mills to the ground and put 3,000 people out of work. Most of the 3,000 thought they were out of work permanently. CEO Aaron Feuerstein spent millions keeping all 3,000 employees on the payroll with full benefits for 3 months until he could get another factory up and running.A Timeline of Management and Leadership. (n.d.). <i>A Timeline of Management and Leadership</i>. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history_mana -
Business Process Management (BPM)
This is actually a slow advance in process management that has the following roots:
◦Record Management
◦Workflow - 1970
◦Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) - 1990
◦Business Process Management (BPM) - 2000
A Timeline of Management and Leadership. (n.d.). <i>A Timeline of Management and Leadership</i>. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history_management/management.html -
SWOT Analysis becomes an important tool for managers in the 2000s as the business environment becomes more and more competitive and help management for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organizations. "related materials." free SWOT analysis template and method, free swot analysis examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. http://www.businessballs.com/swotanalysisfreetemplate.htm. -
Equal Pay Act
The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same establishment.
"About SHRM." <i>Login</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. http://www.shrm.org/LegalIssues/FederalResources/FederalStatutesRegulationsandGuidanc/Pages/EqualPayActof1963.aspx.