Singapore skyscrapers 03

Management Through the Years

By cburch
  • Scientific Management Theory

    Scientific Management Theory
    Changes in the workplace from small operations with skilled workers to big operations with unskilled workers forces managers to adjust and respond to problems creating by people working together in close quarters. Managers try to improve job specialization of workers in order to increase efficiency (Jones & George, 2003, p. 38).
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie transformed the steele industry by doing all the steps it takes to create a finished steele product in his company. Instead of having many companies perform different tasks to create a finished product, Carnegie brought all the steps to his company. This greatly reduced the price of steele ((Jones & George, 2003, p. 43)
  • Frederick W. Taylor

    Frederick W. Taylor
    By 1910 Frederick Taylor's ideas about scientific management are nationally known and followed. Taylor's ideas revolved around finding scientific and specific wasys to increas production and time management. Taylor is considered the father of management for his ideas (Jones & George, 2003, p. 39)
  • Moving Conveyor Belt

    Moving Conveyor Belt
    Through lots of trial and error, Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company perfected the moving conveyor belt. Workers were assigned one job to do and mass production resulted. Manufacturing practices were now changed forever (Jones & George, 2003, p. 41).
  • Bureaucracy

    Max Weber created the idea of bureaucracy which is still practiced today. Bureaucracy is an organizational structure that places people in positions based on their performance not their social standing, gives authority to managers based on their position in the organization, and a managers role is clearly defined (Jones & George, 2003, p. 45).
  • Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth studied how to more efficiently perform tasks. The goal was to do everything in the fastest and most efficient way possible. They also did many studies on job fatigue and how it affects poor performance (Jones & George, 2003, p. 42).
  • Fayol's Principles of Management

    Henri Fayol was the CEO of a mining company and created 14 principles that are still used commonly by managers today. Some of these principles include division of labor, unity of command, line of authority, and unity of direction (Jones & George, 2003, p. 46).
  • The Hawthorne Studies

    The Hawthorne Studies
    A study was made at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company to see how to improve production and efficiency. The study involved testing what illumination level workers performed best under, and how many breaks resulted in top performance. The main result though was that managers can directly affect a workers productivity by that workers feelings about the manager (Jones & George, 2003, p. 51).
  • Mother of Management

    Mother of Management
    Mary Parker Follett attained the nickname, "mother of management," because of her great writings about the way managers should treeat employees. She believed employess should be given some freedom in the way they perform their tasks and some inpput on how a task is best performed (Jones & George, 2003, p. 51).
  • Securities Act of 1933

    Securities Act of 1933
    The "truth in securities" law, was put into place to prohibit deceit, misrepresentations, and fraud in the sale of securities. This act was an important step in promoting ethical business practices and a sense of honesty in the business world ("The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry," n.d.).
  • Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    Securities Exchange Act of 1934
    The Securities Exchange Act empowers the SEC over all aspects of the securities industry. It is important for managers today to know about the securities industry and be familiar with the SEC ("Securities Exchange Act of 1934," n.d.).
  • Open-Systems View

    Daniel Katz, Robert Kahn, and James Thompson developed the open-systems view of business. This idea views business oraganizations as an open system that bring in natural resources, converts them into goods, and then are bought by consumers and sent back to the environment (Jones & George, 2003, p. 56).
  • Contingency Theory

    Contingency theory states that there is no one best way to organize. An organizational system depends on the external environment that the organization operates in (Jones & George, 2003, p. 57).
  • Title XI

    Title XI
    Title XI protects gender equality in the workplace and in educational institutions that recieve public funding. Title XI has increased the amount of females in the workplace and has helped get more women into management roles ("History," n.d.).
  • Peters and Waterman's Excellent Comanies

    Tom Peters and Robert Waterman did a study on why some companies perform better than others. They concluded that companies that do better than others give middle-managers freedom to manage the way they want ot and promote new ideas. They also noticed that successful organizations have a united direction and goal (Jones & George, 2003, p. 50).
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act was put into affect in 1990 and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Managers can no longer deny someone a job due to any kind of disability, as long as that disability does not affect their ability to perform the job ("Disability Resources," n.d.).
  • Jim Collins

    Jim Collins
    Jim Collins, is best known for writing several best-selling books about management and business, and the idea that companies need great managers to be successful. Collins is a former graduate of Stanfor Business School, and founded a management laboratory in Boulder, CO. ("Jim Collins.," n.d.)
  • Clayton Christensen

    Clayton Christensen
    In 1997, Clayton Christensen burst onto the scene with his best-selling book, "The Innovator's Dilemma." Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and an expert on innovation and growth. He wrote many top-selling books and in 2000 started a consulting firm to help companies use his theories for innovation ("Clayton Christensen," n.d.).
  • Sylvia Ann Hewlett

    Sylvia Ann Hewlett
    Sylvia Ann Hewlett is the author or co-author of 11 books and is an expert on talent management. Most of her books are about how to manage women, minorities, and multiculteral workplaces. She is also a founding president of the Center for Work-Life Policy, a non-profit think-tank ("Sylvia Ann Hewlett," n.d.).
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    In 2002 President Bush signed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which is meant to protect the public from companies committing fraud. The Act enforces a companies auditor to change companies every five years. This makes it harder for managers to hide possible fraud within the company and promotes ethical business practices ("The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry," n.d.).
  • Linda A. Hill

    Linda A. Hill
    Linda A. Hill is a professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. She has written several books and journal articles about the challenges of being a boss or manager. Her work focuses on leadership, innovation, and talent management ("Linda A. Hill," n.d.).
  • Blue Ocean Strategy

    In 2005, business philosophers W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne release a big about a new strategy called "blue ocean strategy." This strategy is the idea that most companies operate in a crowded market with lots of competition, turning the water red with blood. The idea behind their strategy is to use innovation and new ideas to ccreate open space in the market and be swimming in clear, blue water ("W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne," n.d. ).
  • Mark Cuban

    Mark Cuban
    Dallas Mavericks beat Miami Heat in seven games to give well-known owner Mark Cuban his first NBA championship. Mark is well-known for his outgoing personality and loose management style. Like google, he puts his employees first, even to the point of installing x-box in his teams locker room and on their team jet ("Mavericks vs. Heat | The Finals | 2011 NBA Playoffs |" n.d.).
  • Google

    Google is recognized by CNN as the best company to work for. The reason for this is the way they treat employees. Employees are allowed to have fun on the job and on the site are bolwing alleys, tennis courts, and places for employees to nap. Management hass done a great job at google making sure its' employees are happy ("Google," n.d.).
  • JOBS Act

    JOBS Act
    The Jumpstart Our Business Act was signed into effect to help businesses raise public funds in capital markets by minimizing regulatory requirements. The more public funds a company can get, the more they will have to hire new managers and expand their business, which then gives managers the ability to expand their careers ("The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry." n.d.).