63 BCE
augustus caesar becomes roman emperor
augustus caesar became emperor of rome on the 23 of September 63 bc. Augustus caesar became the first emperor of the roman after julis caesar died. He died in augustus in 19 14 ad in nola -
42 BCE
tiberius becomes roman emperor
tiberius became roman emperor in 42bc he was the son of tiberius Clandis and Livia Drusilia -
birth of jesus
Jesus was born in jerusalem in a stable. The three kings came all the animals where here and joseph was there with marry. He was born so that every humans sin will be taken away from them. So they can go to heaven -
death of king Herod the great
king Herod the great died in 4 bc. He died of chronic kidney diesease, he died at the age of 69. He was a ruthless man who died a misrable death -
1 CE
pauls letter to his communities
Paul sent his letters to his communities in the first century 1-100 ad. He wrote letters that somehow were saved, copied and eventually complied as part of an offical collection of christains scriptures. -
death of jesus
Jesus died on the cross, He sacraficed his life so that we would go to heaven. He cared the cross a long way which he had to die on it. He had a crown of throwns on his head and he was nailed to the cross. -
paul joined the christan movement
Paul joined the christan movement in 33 ad. Paul was born in turus witch was a major city in the eastern cilicia. His original name was Saul of Tarus. He was born in 4 bc and died in 62 c. He was one of the greatest rligions leaders of all time -
Nero becomes roman emperor
nero became emperor in 37ad till 68 ad. Nero was adopeted by his gand uncle to become his heir.Nero orignally a latin name