Sylvester Mendez was born
He was sent to study at St Brittos
He was sent to a boarding school to studying as he was the first eldest son -
Got tetenus
He had tetenus and the doctor told his parents that he wouldnt make it through the night, -
Finished Highschool
he graduated at the age of 19 from high school -
Went to Chennai to do Technical Training
He went to chennai to become an electrical enginer -
Finished his training
Worked in the Navy as an electrical enginer
He worked in the Defence in banglor as a Scientific officer
He got married
Sylvester married Noreen catherine Fernadez -
Worked in delhi building a satlite
He came to australia with the family
Passed away
Sylvester was diagnosed with lung cancer, and passed away on the 21st of may 2012 this year. He lived an amazing life