Jan 1, 1006
Brightest supernove
The brightest recorded supernova occured on January 1, 1006 -
Jan 1, 1054
The crab supernova
Chinese and American Indian astronomers observe the Crab supernova -
Jan 1, 1181
Chinese astronemer observes the SN1181 -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe was an astronomer and in August 1563, he made his first recorded observation, a close grouping between Jupiter and Saturn.He did not have a telescope so his observations were done with his naked eye.Though his observations were done like this the were very accurate. at one point he and his third cousin got into a sword fight. The fought over the authenticity of a math formula. during the fight he lost part of his nose and this all took place at a wedding. -
Jan 1, 1572
Tycho Brahe discovered the supernova located in the Cassiopeia constellation. -
Milky Way's Nova
The only confirmed supernova recorded to happen in the milky Way. It was located in the Ophiuchus constelation. Named SN 1604, it is also known as Kepler's Supernova. It was named this because it was observed by german astronomer Johannes Kepler. -
Works Cited
"Supernova." Space Sciences. Ed. John F. McCoy. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2012. Science in Context. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.
http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?p=34049540 ~for crab image